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Everything posted by surfarthur

  1. dudes, you need to take a chill pill
  2. Cyclists on the road when there is a cycle lane 2 metres to their left.
  3. Just hop on a plane to NZ, they have peak season snow depths and most resorts are only just opening.
  4. One possible issue - will the road be open? I don't know the answer, but that could be a big spanner in the works if its not.
  5. In Cronulla they play a game called "shitty wallet". It involves shitting in a wallet, then leaving it on the side of the road for someone to pick up, while you watch from a safe distance.
  6. Falls Creek is supposed to open this weekend - but they don't have any snow. Not sure about other Australian resorts, but NZ resorts scheduled opening days from the middle of this month.
  7. yes, was hard to watch at the end there.
  8. But TB, if you buy now, you can still take advantage of the out of season prices
  9. Have the smart TV, where do you purchase the episodes seemore?
  10. FYI - this pretty much sums up why I choose to illegally download game of thrones (among other shows) - if there was an easy way for me to purchase each episode without having to subscribe to a pay TV service that has a bunch of other crap that I don't want to watch then I would.
  11. Yeah I am not looking forward to the end of game of thrones - it leaves a gap of about 2 months until breaking bad starts again. Think I might have to re-watch all of breaking bad before that kicks off again.
  12. I think whoever made this up just substituted in "Muslim" and other assorted islamic-related words for "Gaijin" 1) Japan is the only nation that does not give citizenship to Gaijins. 2) In Japan permanent residency is not given to Gaijins. 3) There is a strong ban on the propagation of Gaijin in Japan. 4) In the University of Japan , Gaijin language is not taught. 5) One cannot import a 'Korean' published in the Gaijin language. 6) According to data published by the Japanese government, it has given temporary residency to only 2 Gaij, Gaijins, who must
  13. Sounds like you need to watch some monty python.
  14. Pie-eater - I have some bad news. It appears that "they" have stolen your idea, and "they" are using it for evil. http://youtu.be/u_J_iF83YUY
  15. Chriselle on his worldwide frog killing rampage
  16. One advantage of your method JA, would be, that here in Australia at least, you would be able to carry out any of the 12V electrical work yourself - I would not recommend this if you are not 100% certain of what you are doing though - a short circuit on the 12V side of the transformer could still cause a fire.
  17. Its probably not significant, but then I wouldn't imagine that having many smaller transformers would have much of an effect on your overall power bill - particularly in bedrooms, bathrooms etc where the lights might only be on for 1/2 an hour a day, compared to say your living area or office where they might be on much longer periods of the day. Where it will cost you more is in installation - it may be necessary to use heavier gauge cable for your lighting circuits - however if you are going with LEDs this may not be much of an issue either, as generally lighting circuits are designed aroun
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