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Topless Snowboarding Nun

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About Topless Snowboarding Nun

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    SJ'er with 10+ posts
  1. I remember reading somewhere that Shiga Kogen was the skijo that had the most school trips every year and it is famous for it.
  2. I have a week in Niseko planned and then hoping to spend 6-7 days in Nagano somewhere but that can be planned near the time. Perhaps a few weekends too.
  3. I would like that too. Having said that, it might spoil the fun of a trip if I had one in my own house.
  4. Ca et La Ski Resort Oze - yes that ones quite strange. What does it mean, if anything?
  5. I wasn't here and never went but a friend of mine did and they thought it was a fantastic place. Expensive resort but a good stay and apparently really good snow.
  6. Found a great bargain on last seasons stock over the weekend. 60% off, bought and ready to board!
  7. I have been shopping around myself after using the same gear for 5 years now. Time to change. It's great fun looking at new gear and dreaming, though looking at the funds always dilutes the fun!
  8. I loved Zermatt and saw lots of families having a ball there. It was very expensive, but a great little place.
  9. I forecast plentiful snow each evening followed by bright sunny days from 8am each day.
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