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I hate the whole slipper thing. Putting on the things that've been worn by 10000 others in the public buildings. Give me a break. Is that supposed to be clean?

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you all know the thumbs game? where you have to guess how many thumbs people raise? whenever i play with my friends, the loser has to do a dare- something gross like drinking the dregs of everyone's drink or eating a ciggy or something. i had to drink beer out of a slipper at a hotel. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

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thats is one of the funniest stories i have read in a long time!.... heheh go hard slipper boy!


thats just wrong!


i always commit far to many shoe crimes.... too many rules... i get far to confused

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I thought eating ciggies killed ya? If you soak about 3 in glass of water and drink it, it kills you dead. S'what I heard anyway.


In private, I like to stand my chopsticks in my rice just to be naughty. Doing it in front of my wife drives her strangely frantic.

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nooo i commit shoe crimes in japan.. not aussie


"In private, I like to stand my chopsticks in my rice just to be naughty. Doing it in front of my wife drives her strangely frantic"


heheh i thought i was the only person who did that!

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Standing ur chopsticks into the rice is a practice reserved only for offering food to the dead. Which is why prolly no one in north east asia does it (dunno bout SE asia tho).


go hard slipper boy!
ha ha clairey u gotta be an aussie or kiwi. luv it.


\:\) \:\)

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Originally posted by Ocean11:
I like to mooch around in the toilet slippers at a party...
That and the whole clapping at the gravesite / waking up the dead relatives practice...

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I think it's sort of an insult to the person who cooked the food, and also it may represent a curse on the company present. But asking Japanese people why they do what they do doesn't always get you an answer you can understand.

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Oh the slipper thing just drove me mental in japan whats the tradition? is there one? y would you want to wear little slippers that u cant even get ur foot in to half the time or wouldnt want to put to foot all the way in! its not so nice i imagine having your own pair wouldnt be soo bad but sharing is just nasty!

I think im entirely uncultured!

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If Ive got my shoes on and forgot something I just go back into my house and get it with my shoes on. I mean its my house and I clean it


Also my J friends are horrified that I wear slippers on tatami... its cold yo!

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Originally posted by Karnidge:
I like to stand my chopsticks in my rice just to be naughty. Doing it in front of my wife drives her strangely frantic.
Why is that? It seems to drive J-people mad.?
It represents incense at a funeral, and so is an omen of death.

The Japanese are pretty cool about it... try doing it in Taiwan! (a country where whole fourth floors are often left completely empty rather than have a floor that sounds like death).
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