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About clairey

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  1. Quote: ha ha clairey u gotta be an aussie or kiwi. luv it. kiwi pfft! hehehe nah of course im an assuie.... now why would you thihnk that? hey hmmmmm hehe its good to know we are recognised! =)
  2. nooo i commit shoe crimes in japan.. not aussie "In private, I like to stand my chopsticks in my rice just to be naughty. Doing it in front of my wife drives her strangely frantic" heheh i thought i was the only person who did that!
  3. yeah i reaslised it was stupid for writting that after i wrote it hehe but yes, far to many things in japan are unspoken (the most importnat reason, as to my their economy fell), and this is the reason for these places..... if they wanted a root why dont they just go to a brothel. From my understanding they are not as bad as they are perceived. I find the most disturbing fact I have heard about japan is that child pornography was only made illegal about 2 years ago..... "**** the cute culture" i say! its just wrong, ooooh and by the way...... i live in crows nest tooo! th
  4. ewwww thats is one of the funniest stories i have read in a long time!.... heheh go hard slipper boy! thats just wrong! i always commit far to many shoe crimes.... too many rules... i get far to confused
  5. Yes I have thought about America and Canada... I know lots of people that have worked there and I know the pay is excellent (maily because the aussie dollar is so poor) but I am asking about japan because i plan to On a holiday working visa from October, you can only get one once in a life time so I thought while Im there I might as well do the thing I love….. I was thinking about getting a job in a lodge/hotel, I have heard that the Japanese like foreigners working for them because it improves there own language skills…. Is this true. What snow field would you say is the most t
  6. I think a lot of westerns have the wrong perception about these places I know a few people that have worked in these bars….. they are not hore houses or brothels…. The Japanese culture has far to many morals to promote such a thing From what I hear they are not sleazy (most places), but yes they are full of obviously lonely men. It has to do with the culture…. I think the Japanese tend to hide or not admit emotions that they feel, ideas that they (there are far to many rules) …… I have found that a lot of people do things behind closed doors…. I guess these are places were they can j
  7. hey all i thinking quiet far in adavnce.... the end of this year... have any of you worked in japanese, in any of the snowfields.... either bar work, instructing, working in a hotel??? how did you go about it? what was it like? is it hard to find work. I have been snowboarding for about 5 years now... only in Australia.... sooo im sure these slopes and powder are going to blow me away! I have reasonable skills in snowboarding.... im confident I could take a beginners-to level2 class.... just gotta brush up on my boarding (it would have been a yuear by then) w
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