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Theres a rat in me kitchen, what am i gonna do? (serious!)

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I am not joking. There really is a rat/mouse (nezumi) in my kitchen. eek.gif


I even had it trapped but was too scared to kill it, and in the 3 hours i spent dallying about what to do (went and bought some poison) it escaped.


What am I gonna do?


This is what I have done so far:


mad.gif laid down 2 kinds of rat poison in the kitchen

(result: the rat has eaten a little of this poison several times over the past 4 days, but it doesnt seem to work)


mad.gif closed the door so it cant get out of there (result: I think it can get in/out via the floor or some hidden hole. It even managed to get into my cupboards through some act of magic)


mad.gif put down some rat glue traps (result: nothing! these are crap!)


I cant kill it with my hands cos I never see it anymore. It just scrambles around when I am out/asleep and leaves a bit of a mess. I am gong to buy a proper metal rat trap tonight and see if that does anything.


I cannot eat in my house anymore, I feel really sick to be in my house, knowing that this rat might have pissed where I am putting my hands etc. Its a 50 year old house.


Please help " title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" />

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there was a huge rat in zwelgen's kitchen over christmas. it ate thru apples that were left out and puked all over the side of the fridge. we left some of those glue traps- best place was in the crack of a door so he had no cloice but to go thru. caught him. but it must have been very painful bc he pulled/chewed a leg off trying to escape. gross! luckily, i didn't have to deal with disposal or looking at him or anything (only viewed safely thru a digital camera). by the way, what is the proper disposal? burnables?

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OK I like the crack in the door idea. I have been wondering where to put the traps - that makes sense. Its a clever little fxxker and it knows not to eat too much poison or walk on the trap.


Does anyone have a snake they could lend me?

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I was MORTIFIED when I found the munched apples and deduced that the rat was pretty big to eat half a Japan apple in a night...


Got a trap and got the sticky paper as a backup. Slid the door shit so just the paper was in a U shape in the gap and put a yummy slice of apple in the middle (its preferred food) and baited the trap.


It really was not a pretty sight in the morning and I am ashamed to admit as it was NYrs eve and no gomi collected for a good handful of days I wrapped it in newspaper and put it in a thick garbage bag...I threw it into the konbini gomi. I know that is not a nice thing to do and I still feel bad, but a lot better than coming home from a bender in Tokyo to a rotting rat.


If I were you bobby Id get a few papers, flag the trap and just lay down the papers in places the bugger has to pass. Put whatever food it seems to prefer in the middle and DONT FORGET about it in the morning.

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> what is the proper disposal? burnables?


Eat 'un. Ap'ul-fed rat's the best.


(I read that rat is very popular in some restaurants in China. They call them 'super deer'. I'd give it a try. And it's already IN the kitchen...)

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As mentioned before just use one of those classic snapping traps and place a nugget of cheese there. I'm sure cheeseman can help you out with what cheeses rats like.


My ladies dad puts down a lot of traps and whenever there is a mouse or rat in the house those traps never fail. Well they haven't yet.


Get a nice big serious metal one - that'll do the job!

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Im embarassed to admit it but the rat in my place was HUGE and its head wouldnt have fit in a trap Ive ever seen. When looking for ways to catch this bastard I didnt find a single classic trap, they just didnt seem to sell them, dunno if its just my area or what?

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Dang zwelly that must have been the king rat or something.


Rat traps are pretty easy to come by here in Oz. I'm suprised the Japanese haven't developed some inhumane rat trap that utilises electricity or something.


You just can't beat the classic trap.

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I bought a metal trap today (not the classic one, the cage type where they enter a spiky funnel from the top and then fall into the cage and cannot get back up the spiky funnel). I have baited it with some bits of a cheese slice.


I went out for 4 hours tonight but no mice/rats came in that time. They/it seem to come and go randomly. I heard they like tenpura from 2 seperate people (nihon no nezumi desu kara, tenpura suki).


I am looking forward to the morning. The methods of execution are endless - kerosene is attracting me at the moment.

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I used to have one that ran around my room in Bondi while i was asleep at night. Never bothered me too much till it started eating my food.....that's going too far!


Cheese in the trap....doesn't work. Mice don't eat cheese...its a fallacy. I finally caught him with a bit of chocolate in the trap. The wire arm went straight through his neck and broke him in half....not pretty!


Let us know how you go!

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when I was a kid there was a rat the size of a cat living in our garage, so one day I sealed the garage but put a garbage can in there with the lid off, well ratty couldnt help himself in was in like flynn, I crept in the garage saw him in the bin and then slammed the lid on him. It was one of those 70 litres plastic bins, I drilled a small hole in the lid and then put the hose in and flooded him, when the water reached the top and ratty realsied his predicament, he went crazy, near popped the lid off in his desparate desire to get out. So he drowned and when I drained the garbage can.....very messy I found him, he was huge, his tail as thick as a mans finger!


He was so big and nasty our aggressive 10kg cat didnt want anything to do with him previous to me catching him

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IceEiji - Who is the rat extinguisher guy and where can I contact him?


In England, the rat exterminators come from the council. Its free. The money comes out of our council tax. England... sniff sniff " title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" />


I blocked up a load of holes, so maybe the critters cant get in anymore. Will report back. If I catch it, I'll post a photo here ok!?! \:D

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great story Freaky! Can imagine you doiing it too. My rat was about 25cm long body plus tail. No wonder it ate so many apples! I disinfected every surface, floor and wall in the kitchen and dining rm after I caught the bastard

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I got a feeling there is more than one in my house :-(


Just got back from tokyo, but the clever little b'stards didnt fall for the traps. Just ate all my 'poison' (AKA: mouse treats) instead.

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you can get one of those traps that there is food on a hook that when moved slams the door down. I also got one of them when I had problems around Christmas but the sticky paper snared him before he could get there

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yeah i got one of those traps with the hooks. i was using it alone without the hook. cos there is a funnel-spiky-hole on the roof of the cage where they can climb in and not get out again. I thought theyd climb in through there but the havent.


So, I just put some chocolate on the hook thing, but I am not sure how reliable it is. Can you remember the correct way to do it? It just seems like if they eat the choco the door will remain permentantly open rather than it slamming shut.

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