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how do u clap?


i noticed some japanese fully align both hands and bring them together...painful and inefficient, i say.


then there is the deep palm crossed manly clap. good for serious occassions.


the parallel fingers to palm, useful if clapping above your head.


and left to right variations thereof.


i personally tend to use about 80 degrees of rotation, fingers from right hand to palm from left, nice cupping, and aiming for the sweet crack of a truly well placed and timed clap.


i thought it was industry standard, but perhaps not.

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after an afternoon of self reflective research, i have determined that my clapping methodology varies with the prevailing posture of the moment, combined with the perceived enthusiasm a given clap impetus deserves.


for example, a slouched lackadaisical effort will result in the manner outline in my earlier post. the predominance of slouching in my lifestyle lead me to believe this was how i clapped.


however, investigating enderz's assertion that he is bearer of a powerful technique, i found that more enthusiastic clapping in erect or attentive poses lead to a reduction in the rotation angles spoken of, and this is a natural adaptation to the increased energy expended. said clap is also manifest an increased extension at the elbow, perhaps as a protective measure for the hearing for the accompained increased volumes.


i also had a couple of goes testing nekobi's finger spread style, but concluded early on that this was a bit ungraceful, so gave no further time to this line of investigation ;\)

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To be honest you've thought about it too much haven't you.... ;\)


And please refrain from using the word 'spastic' as it is quite rude! However your detailed analysis has led me to partake in a rather ad-hoc piece of research and I have come to the following conclusions.


Clapping is a sociologically imperative action, necessary to gain approval from peers and non peers alike. The style in which this is done can have both catastrophic and beneficial results on your status and position within the social order.


1. A Powerful technique such as ender0's can lead to the adulation of many. He's probably seen within his social group as an Alpha male, ready to plunder and take as he sees fit.


2. A 'fingers spread' type action such as Nekobi's, suggest a more submissive personality. The fingers representing an openness and willingness to share and rather subservient personality.


3. Clapping with a drink in your hand, as is my preference, is silly as it gives you a sore leg (which is used in the absence of another hand) and you tend to spill the aforementioned drink (most often a tasty brew) all over yourself.


4. Clapping like this clap.gif would require your arms being attched to your head, and thus it is impossible.

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Based on Dr. Matthews research I am going to ask all woman I meet in the bar in the future to clap for me before I take things any further. I require submission. \:D

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Yes. I've often felt the urge to dabble in the world of 'greetings'.


Does the way a greeting such as bowing, shaking hands or kissing on both cheeks have any correlation with the norms, values or 'social make-up' of a country?


For instance, does France a country known for it's rather intimate greeting method, have a higher proportion on homosexuals....or does kissing a man on both cheeks, result in a reverse trend, whereby the odour of cheese and garlic result in negative impact on the homosexual community. No offense intended. ;\)

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Originally posted by nekobi:
I've noticed my students have their fingers spread out when they clap. i've started doing that too in class \:\(
Neko, thats one clap that really pisses me off. Its pathetic and I think PENGIUNS can even clap better than that!
But its great when dealing with the J ladies.... they just love it!
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Originally found in National Geographic Magazine:

As part of his mating ritual, the male Emperor Penguin emits a distinct clapping sound by slapping his flipper against the thin ice shelf. This sound can be heard up to 4 km away and will attract females to the frisky bull...
So I guess it would blow nekobi's pathetic style "out of the water" so to speak. But it might be interesting to see if it could compete with my alpha-male clap of domination.

Further research has shown me (I don't know if I should share this now) my applause technique places my elbow at an acute 75-80 degree angle rather near to my body. My shoulder to body angle varies depending on my desired level of forcefulness. A standard clap finds that angle around a mere 5 degrees, but a loud "cheer above the crowd" clap can bring that angle up to a whopping 85 degrees. It's all about knowing when to use the right angle for the situation. Mess that up and you are sure to look like an amateur.
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Don't diss penguins, bless 'em.


My clap is very boring. I am going to have to spend some time analysing it before being able to comment in depth. Please wait a while.



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I too have done some clap testing and have come to the following conclusions.


I usually clap with the lump where my fingers join my hand making contact with the other hand just below the same lump. The bump where my little fingers come out of my hand touches each other.


I went to the toilets at work and examined the other clapping styles mentioned by other people and I think that the "Alpha Male" clap isnt for me. It just looks stupid. The fingers spread clap just looks naff for me but probably not so bad on a cutie J-girl and my style of clapping, lets call it the "pinkie touch" for no reason other than I feel like it, suits me best.


Its my last day at work today and Ive nuttin to do. Clap experiments. Oh dear...

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Originally posted by Mr Matthews:
Clapping is a sociologically imperative action, necessary to gain approval from peers and non peers alike.
Which is probably one of the reasons I almost never clap.
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nah, you're just embarassed about your lackluster style, and don't want be outdone by the enderZs of this world.


don't worry if u miss a bit when first try, u'll get it with a bit of practice.

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Sounds like an obvious case of clap envy to me. It's okay man...some people are just naturally gifted


Congrats Zwelgs. So are you out then? Must be a little hard to leave or at least strange after 3 years huh?

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yeah, man.


imagine... u r at a pumpin gig, the guys on the stage are workin the party vibe, and u spy some nice young lovely in left field. so u saunter on over to wiggle your hips in her vicinity. but the zeroman has his radar set to detect as well, and has also made the move. anyhow, an intermission ensues and the crowd goes wild with applause. miss d'lovely is now strategically placed between you and z-man, who proceeds to strut his stuff offering a strong show of skill and poise with a penguin-like slap the floor clapping style that makes all look on in awe. u, caught up in the excitement go for gold too, but miss and strike the unfortunate desired one, square in the breast. not a situation u would like to be in! and that one touch is all u get for the eve.


a bit of practice, bro, trust me, will see u right.

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And I'm goin home with the hen.


Don't worry db, if you don't get the clapping down you can always impress the girls by telling them you are their homodachi. lol.gif There might be a small amount of confusion created...but I'm sure you will get your point across like last time. Their all just sandwiches, ain't that right buddy. (damn I miss Japan)


I was at a concert one time (in Seattle) and one of the opening bands was playing. I was kinda half paying attention drinking a beer near some friends. A song ended and I was kinda just standing there watching the people and the stage. This random guy next to me was clapping pretty enthusiastically (good enthusiasm but poor form). He spotted me just standing there and said rudely, "Did you like that song?" To which I replied, "yeah, sure." He kinda scoffed and said, "Well where I am from we clap when a song is over that we liked."




Yeah! You're cool man.


But really I just wanted a quiet evening and knew if I busted out with the applause I would more than likely be overwhelmed by lascivious ladies.

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