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There seems to be a "not many Japanese are left handed" thing going on, but I read somewhere that the stats are about the same as other places. Is it just under 10% of the popularion left handed or something like that?

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I have some Japanese friends who are left handed. I had an interesting conversation with one of them a while back - he said that when he was a young child learning to write, his parents insisted that he write with their right hand to "cure" them of their left-handedness. eek.gif They gave up after a while, much to their shame.

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I am even harder to classify than kamo...


I write and do most mundane activities with my left, but athletically, I am right-handed...strange...



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Left handed writer. left handed mind. bat right(baseball). surf and board goofy. eat right (beers in my left). tv clicker right (again, beers in my left).


My sister in-law is one of those "cured" Japanese lefties. I wonder if her parents secretly scorn my left handedness.

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I'm becoming increasingly left-handed after dinging my right shoulder with various wheelboards. Shoulders are actually rather important in the grand scheme of things. Now that I can't really scratch my back with my right hand, I'm finding out just how much potential my left hand has.


I've heard about left-handed people being bullied into giving it up in Japan. Completely indefensible behaviour...

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There are also traditional prejudices against left-handed people in the West, as can be observed from the Latin word for right "dexter" and the word for left "sinister".


Funnily enough, some say that left-handed fencers have faster reactions, making them more "dexterous".


In Japanese archery (kyudo), everyone is right-handed. Someone told me this is so that no-one turns their back on the Emperor.


What's it like writing Japanese left-handed people? It's one reason I've heard Japanese kids are discouraged from being left-handed.

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Originally posted by danz:
I ... do most mundane activities with my left, but athletically, I am right-handed...strange...
what is choking the chicken, mundane or athletic? \:D
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Originally posted by NoFakie:

What's it like writing Japanese left-handed people? It's one reason I've heard Japanese kids are discouraged from being left-handed.
I could understand this argument for western writing more than kanji. A lefty would drag their hand through the ink while writng left to right. Writing kanji top to bottom, however, would allow ink time to dry...
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It's something to do with the way the strokes curve and pressure is applied, especially in calligraphy.


It could all be nonsense of course, or just that current teaching methods are so right-hand centric that left-handed people are put at a disadvantage.


As for your up-down as opposed to left-right theory, most individual kanji are written in a left to right, top to bottom manner, which I suppose prevents righties from smudging the left parts of the characters that are written first.

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Although with 'real' Japanese caligraphy, you don't rest your mitt on the page anyway... Like all good things, s'all in the wrist.

But then you mightn't be able to see what you were doing as your hand would obstruct your vision... But then, it's all in the wabi and the sabi and not a strictly visual thing anyway... Oh God, I don't know!

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Originally posted by Thunderbird2:
What is/was the reason for wanting to "cure" left handedness anyway?
it nots just here that they were out to cure, I know that in the UK and NZ, left handers were forced to use the right. My UK friend is only 28 so it was recently too, so he writes with his right, but his a naturally lefty so his writing is consequently a scribble.

Right is "dexter" in Latin and left is "sinister" so that left has evil connotations and the devil in in your hand, etc etc etc and puritans just love cracking on that stuff.

Plus its means everyone is the same and uniform. In Japan, school kids absolutely must be equal. School unifrom, gym shoes, hair colour
Look at the ski trip schoolers, all wearing the exact ski outfit and the exact skiis, regardless if you have your own gear, you have to use the hire stuff and be the same as everyone else.
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