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He must look like shit then - from the only true news source, CNN ~ "Saddam Hussein was captured by U.S. forces in a late night raid in Tikrit. Iraqi leaders said Saddam was hiding in a basement and wearing a fake beard."


Who wants to bet on what will be the big Halloween costume next year?




Is Sadam considered a WMD? Just wondering. Still waiting for those. At least now I can watch 'The Bachelor' in peace.

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I'm by no means a fan of Bush or the war, etc etc, but - aren't you all just trying too hard here to be cynical and downbeat. Surely capturing the guy is a Good Thing. It may not be the end of things or justify the war etc, but it is certainly not a Bad Thing to get the bastard.

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It must have been a tight squeeze in that there 'spider hole' for Saddam packed in with all his nuclear and biological weapons. Not even room to roll over without knocking into one of those warheads that he could launch with 45 minutes notice. And all of that Nigerian uranium glowing in the dark.


Note if you will how this article makes no mention whatsoever of the big issue that we were given to believe was the object of this hunt.

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It may not be the end of things or justify the war etc, but it is certainly not a Bad Thing to get the bastard.
Not sure I follow the logic. If the war is not justifiable what allows one country to invade another? Just because it has better fire power? How’s that different from Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait?
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Originally posted by Ocean11:
the big issue that we were given to believe was the object of this hunt.
My point exactly. Capturing Saddam is all very well and good(very good), but it also provides a good way for Bush and Blair to move the magnify glass a wee bit. Focusing the masses attention on how terrible Saddam makes the general pop feel the invasion was justifiable.
If he is tried in the US, imagine the press coverage! - and the cover-ups. Bush would have complete control over the whole thing!
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> aren't you all just trying too hard here to be cynical and downbeat


I think 'skeptical' is the word you're looking for there. People who lie constantly about the motive for the invasion, and the progress towards the reconstruction that shouldn't have been necessary, are the 'cynical' ones.


I for one am intensely skeptical of what the regimes in the Britain and the US have to say, and also about how their media presents it. I find plenty of reason for being downbeat about this situation, and for resisting momentary triumphalism.


Should I perhaps cheer up instead, and run out into the street firing my gun into the air?

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When is the US presidential election again?


What is the proof that the images etc we are being shown are:

1. From Saturday and not anytime earlier like months back? (On this one, did anyone get a look at the clothing of all involved, cause it is getting pretty cold in the ME at this time of year at night.)

2. Why do they need to shave the guy and cut his hair exactly like th eimages we have been shown for so long now? Was it absolutely necessary?

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