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You are all criminals! All a ya! Go home!

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Does this get up anyone elses nose?


I find this article would have a less of a "foreign attack" to it if there were comparable figures for the number of crimes committed by J peoples.


It surpirses me that English version of the MDN would not think that its readers (foreigners mainly of course or it wouldn't be in English) might find this slightly annoying news.

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I don't take it personally. There are plenty of reports in all media of crimes committed by Japanese (although there is a shocking imbalance within these reports - LDP politicians getting off scot free for all sorts of wrongdoing.)


Just as I don't feel solidarity with every foreigner I see, I don't feel that reports of rising numbers of foreign criminals are an attack on me. I'm more worried about reports of leaks from nuclear reactors in Ehime, and how the management suffers the trial of ... being handed a piece of paper asking them to do better in future. I'm also more worried about the popularity of people like Ishihara, who most definitely has his facts mixed up.

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I don't have any problem with it - looks like their simply catching more bad folks.


What gets up my nose is the fact they released the satanic murdering 21 year old yesterday. He's the one who dismembered the little boy 7 years ago and put his head on a pole in front of the boys school for everyone to see. They say "he's all better now".


If I were the father of the little boy though, I'd be relishing the fact they let him out of a protective cell...who knows what accident might happen to him now that he's a free man???

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I don't have any hard numbers on it, but know for a fact that the J government did a huge sweep of ridding the country of middle east people this past year. My roommate and I personally know a few of the people that were caught in the roundup and subsequently jailed for up to 6 months. Their crime? Selling goods on a street not zoned for vendors :rolleyes: No visa violations, no real crimes committed, J people selling goods not more than 20 meters away receiving no punishment. It's scary to think that you can burn a woman alive in her car and only get 18 years in jail (headline from Mainichi), but by God, sell something where you're not supposed to and you get 6 months and deported. My roommate actually just went and visited one of the girls in Israel a few weeks ago - she was happy she made it out without more time in the clink. Apparently the experience wasn't all that great in the J jail.

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My point was that the article neglects to compare the foreign crims figures with the J national figures and therefore gives no representation of the whole story.


I guess maybe I ma just more cynical about this place than I should be.

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Geography anyone?


Sitting up there on the hill for a while - it's not hard to notice that this is a Land-of-Misty-Valleys.


Actually, about 40% of males in Tokyo suffer from 'Tokyo Bowel Syndrome' mainly due to the stress of encountering so many strangers - something that would not of happened in their mountain valley home towns or villages.


Foreigners - you know - beings not from the same village or town or valley or island - well they might as well be from outer space or the 5th dimension or something.

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veronica - I get the same quite a lot and it does grate. You half expect them in the next sentence "hey did you know that Chinese bloke then, the one who was just arrested 700km away".. mad.gif

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There is at least 1 job for a rasist political figure in every country. NZ has Winston Peters, oz had Pauline Hanson etc..

I dont know if they actually believe what they say or wether they just know that there is a proportion of the population that will vote for someone that says out there things about forigners and want to get elected. I imagine that the salary for those jobs is above average so that might provide some motivation.

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There was a big special on the tv today about the Chinese Criminals in Fukushima that are wreaking havoc on the innocent citizens of the ken. It was all very dramatic, and seemed very unbalanced.

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