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I dont follow politics. Yes I am one of those bastards that doesn't vote because he believes that his vote really doesn't count in the long-run. I just want to live my life peacefully in my own family bubble. So bash me.

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Sakitome - I think an ill informed vote is far worse than no vote. God I hate the people that flip flop between the right and the left based on the last thing they heard on telly. There should be some sort of test of understanding you have to pass to be elagable to vote. If people don't know what they are doing then they should not vote at all - thats how the nutters get elected.

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Collectively, John Edwards and John Kerry are being labled the most liberal ticket to run for the Presidency in American history. VP Edwards will probably swing a lot of female and young voters. He is a trial laywer by trade. He has very little experience in internatianal affairs. Bottom line - it's nearly impossible that he could do worse than the current VP.

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Originally posted by Captain Stag:
Sakitome - I think an ill informed vote is far worse than no vote. God I hate the people that flip flop between the right and the left based on the last thing they heard on telly. There should be some sort of test of understanding you have to pass to be elagable to vote. If people don't know what they are doing then they should not vote at all - thats how the nutters get elected.
Exactly, If I did vote, it would only be voting for the lesser of two evils... which is why I dont bother.
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