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That is too bad. His fame drew a lot of attention and money to the research of spinal cord injuries. I'm sure the past 9 years had been difficult for him. I think para/quadrapaligics worldwide looked to him as a voice in their quest to find a cure to (and draw money to the research of) spinal cord paralisys.

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I think he lapsed into a coma the day before he died...but I am not sure why...


He truly was a great spokesman for para/quadrapaligics. One of my life-long friend's father got into a major road-biking accident last year and is now in a wheel chair and on a long and slow road to recovery. This man was the most active 50+ year old I knew, and went riding (on snow and on pedals) with me many times...so sad to see that happen to someone...


If you are interested, check out the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, and sign up for the free newsletter, Bridging the Gap.



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Very sad. As for what happened:


>>> Reeve went into cardiac arrest Saturday at his home in Westchester County, New York, after developing a serious systemic infection during treatment for a pressure wound. He slipped into a coma and died Sunday afternoon at a hospital near his home.

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I met the guy about few years back.


My mums brother is over in the states and his dad (still with me) was involved in an accident end ended up in a fairly similar situation to Chris Reeve. Because of this he had the chance to meet him at some fundraising events and talks he did - I went to one and met the guy.


It is very sad.



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