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Interesting, her argument is that using shampoo and then conditioner will have the same results as not washing your hair at all, but she didnt consider the smell factor. Personally I find fresh scented hair on women quite appealing.

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And probably our head skin would get oily if we don't wash our hair frequently.

I think I washed my hair 365 x 11 times or more in a 11 years!


But before talking about it, doesn't it get itchy if one doesn't wash his/her hair for so long?

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Some long haired folk (and frizzy/curly hair people too) swear by using conditioner only washes. You use more conditioner than normal, leave it in for longer while in the shower, and then rinse well.

I started doing it a few months back. and it works fine, but not all conditioners work as well. I'm still trying to find the best one. When you get a good one hair looks great after. If your hair gets too greasy then they say you're not using enough conditioner. You'd be surprised how well this works to wash hair.

Because conditioner is more gentle than the stripping agents found in shampoo you have to leave it on longer for it to clean the hair and scalp.


I don't think I could survive without washing my hair, but that gals' hair looks great, so it obviously works for her.

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When I had long hair in high school I didn't wash it for about 6 months or about as long as it takes to grown hair down to my chin. Got real messy and all matted.

I still showered and got it wet though. Just didn't wash it with Shampoo.

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I haven't shampoo'd for over 8 years .... but that's because I use clippers on my hair and it's never long enough to warrant washing with shampoo anyway. Shower gel is just fine to do my scalp.


I shaved my head one day to see what it was like ... so much easier in all aspects that I never went back.


The funny thing is that I know a bunch of female scientists who all have about the same level of care about their personal appearance as the woman in the news story that started this thread (who is also a scientist). It's so cool to be around women who aren't checking themselves out in every reflective surface every 2 minutes.

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I think that will surely be yes.


What about dreadlocks - do people wash them? And don't they get all disgusting? And if you've had them for ages, do you basically have to cut the whole lot off to start again or what? Sorry, I know nossing about itto.



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I know a guy with dreads and in summer his dreads got ripe - really stinky, didnt bug me so much but some raving hysterical female co-workers thought it was the end of the world.


Voidhawk - right on bro, who needs hair? most of the time I go short too, no shampooing, no combing, no drying, you get out a shower - boom! you are good to go! also running late for work? viola, no worries you are always ready.


I have a laugh at the gym at all the pretty boys preening their beautiful locks after their workout, there are about a dozen hairdryers and they are often all being used, they spend more time than most chicks!

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I have a laugh at the gym at all the pretty boys preening their beautiful locks after their workout
I just laugh when I see them anywhere.

I am reminded of a quote from my favourite film of all time, Fight Club, when Tyler Durden sees a Calvin Klein-esque model in a poster

"Is that what a man is supposed to look like?"
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