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Ah, I feel better now (sayonara Facebook)

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I have Google plus, but I don't use it as you end up getting feeds and crap that you don't need, and it shares your info and photos with others without telling you if your not careful! So I soon stopped that, and just use the Google email!


I do use Line though, very handy, as I can talk to my folks back home or my brother from my smartphone and it doesn't cost a penny. If I am abroad then I just log onto a hotels wifi and use line for free.

If I use my computer to talk to them I use Skype, otherwise Line with my phone, it is clearer video and better sound quality then Skype on a phone.

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As Mr Wiggles said above, Line seems very popular amongst Japanese. I'd never heard of it until my wife installed it on my phone, and although I'm no longer working in IT I do try to keep up to date on what is happening in the IT world.


According to Wikipeadia LINE is a South Korean-Japanese proprietary application for instant messaging on smartphones and personal computers. Line users exchange text messages, graphics, video and audio media, make free VoIP calls, and hold free audio or video conferences.


Previously the only Line I'd heard of was the guys who name their skis after people (Mr Pollard's Opus Skis, Sir Francis Bacon Skis)

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Line is a free chat app with built in Skype. Most folks just seem to use it for groups or one to one text chat/messaging. It's simpler and maybe more private than Facebook. Its cutesy because it has loads of smilies, some that you have to buy. As with Facebook, doing group stuff on it is easier than email, with the assumption that everyone has a smartphone. One to one, its just a.n.other chat program.

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For us, its mainly for the group things we do or contacting other parents for kids' get-togethers or checking on what they need for school etc.

If it was just us, I wouldn't bother with any of it.

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Earlier today, Facebook announced that it was going to start using all of that ever-so-illuminating app and website data it collects to serve us with more targeted ads. In other words, Facebook is getting ready to use your browsing history to benefit advertisers. Here's how to stop them.

Of course, just because you're getting some new (and highly necessary) controls over how Facebook shares your data doesn't mean it's going to stop collecting the data in the first place. So while we can at least somewhat limit how all of our salacious internet habits are being used, it doesn't mean the cache of data itself is going away.

What's more, the new feature is opt-out, so in order to keep your browsing history away from prying third-party eyes. You'll need to actively head over to the Digital Advertising Alliance here and let them know you're not willing to share.

Note: if you're using AdBlocker Plus or anything else that disables cookies, you're going to need to turn that off before you'll be able to opt out.


Peasants pathetic attempts to try to stop Facebook being sneekily evil, but hey just in case you use it.

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I hardly use my Facebook account but as we are landlords we check tenants out you would be amazed by the stuff people put up on there and they think only there friends see it (Morons)

My time is spent mostly on Ebay and Gumtree buying and selling snow gear to fund my trips.

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I only started an account on Facebook last year. Must admit, not really getting into it at all.

I feel a bit daft posting stuff.

Much more a private email kind of person I think.

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Couldn't find the 'Everything Sucks' thread...


Facebook, and even more so the way it portrays my friends on it, is really grinding me down. Can't leave it for the two reasons of 1) genuinely keeping in touch with family and close friends and 2) dealing with international communications for my karate dojo. However the amount of shit-quality, uninformed political noise being thrown around on there is horrid. Regular Upworthy links to some passive-aggressive poetry, or empowering speech by someone famous, or a bunch of misquotes from someone completely taken out of context. Worse is when someone cherry picks sites for reference when the source is clearly written by some freaking hack purely out just to get money by writing what people want to hear.


Sometimes I would just like to click a button to filter political fuzz and 'entitlement' posts. There are times I just want to see pictures of my family, friends getting drunk and kittens falling off tables.



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Do it!


You (in the general sense) don't realise quite how pathetic lots of the facebook/always online stuff was until you stand back and go without it for a bit.


I seem to have a whole new bunch of time to do better things now and feel massively better for it.

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