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Solar flare. End of the world.

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Ya...but you're pretty used to that smell..

  • 1 year later...

Oops posted this in the news thread.



As the 21st of December nears, Russian authorities are attempting to quell fears that the world will come to end amid panic over what some experts claim are the predictions of the Mayan Calendar.



According to the New York Times, there have been scattered reports of unusual behaviour from across Russia, reportedly prompted by predictions of Armageddon.


The reports include "collective mass psychosis" in a women's prison on the Chinese border, panic buying of matches, kerosene, sugar and candles, and the building, out of ice, of a Mayan-style archway in Chelyabinsk in the south.


According to some experts, ancient Mayans predicted that the 21st of December would signal the end of a 5,125-year cycle known as the Long Count in the Mayan calendar.


Some parts of Russia, which is often said to have a penchant for mystical thinking, appear to have been spooked by the prediction.


As a consequence the Russian government's minister for emergency situations has sought to calm panic over the prophecy, saying he had access to "methods of monitoring what is occurring on the planet Earth," and that he could say with confidence that the world was not going to end in December.


He did, however, make clear that Russians are still vulnerable to "blizzards, ice storms, tornadoes, floods, trouble with transportation and food supply, breakdowns in heat, electricity and water supply."


Russia’s chief sanitary doctor has also issued similar attempts to calm panicky members of the public, one official has also reportedly suggested prosecuting Russians who spread rumour of the prophecy.


Russia may be the most extreme example of prophecy panic so far, but other countries are also experiencing problems.


In Ukraine the Orthodox Church has issued (a not quite reassuring) message that 'doomsday is sure to come', but advised it would be brought about by moral decline and not the: “so-called parade of planets or the end of the Mayan calendar.”


In France, authorities are taking steps to prevent access to Bugarach mountain, which is thought by some esoterics to be a sacred place that will protect them from the end of the world. Reports claim websites in the US have been selling tickets to access the mountain.


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Obviously, they do! Else the churches would be all empty!

Lots of people need a psychological "crutch" to support them and to help them get over their feelings of inadequacy! :shifty:

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Hey JA - How did your crop fare in that big hailstorm this week? - Hail the size of cricket balls on the National news - I blame the solar flare

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What. The. ****?!


Seriously, do people still believe in mystical bs?


Oh yes, they sure do. I participate on a US based forum (not ski related) from time to time and it's truly amazing what people there will believe in. In fact there's virtually nothing some won't believe in.

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What. The. ****?!


Seriously, do people still believe in mystical bs?


Oh yes, they sure do. I participate on a US based forum (not ski related) from time to time and it's truly amazing what people there will believe in. In fact there's virtually nothing some won't believe in.


Ultra conservative bible bashing mid-west republicans. Truly monstrous disproportionate representation on realworld issues. Let them all bible bash themselves to salvation.

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Hey JA - How did your crop fare in that big hailstorm this week? - Hail the size of cricket balls on the National news - I blame the solar flare

Missed them, thankfully!! Got 18mm rain, though... very handy!

We are around 18km from town, and the hail was in a very narrow band.

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Cant wait l for one know i will be snowboarding when it all comes to an end. Yiew

If it is 21.12.12 then I will be ticked.

Still got 5 days before I get on the plane bound for the snow covered peaks!

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