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From my experience, very fast here in N. Japan. In the NW US snow lingers around until June, July and sometimes August (glaciers not counted). In Japan, a mountain with a 350cm base can loose most its snow in a few weeks. Heck, I had a 3.5 meter pile of snow in my driveway 4 days ago and it is now down to about 1 meter.


I think it basically has to do with the shifts in the weather patterns here. One day you get a complete northern ifluence from China or Siberia and the next it may be from Okinawa or some other place in the south. I've never lived in a place until now with such huge swings in the weather. 7 days ago I surfed a huge NE swell and today it was completely south due to different low pressure systems. Also, where I live, the mountains are small compared to what I'm used to. 2200 meters just isn't that big and won't have the cold air that is back in the states. Down south it is a product of your latitude. I guess it basically boils down to Japan being an island archipelago. We get the cold influences from the north but the systems have to cross a semi-warm (relatively) body of water in the Sea of Japan (Hokkaido nonwithstanding). In the winter we get the moisture and the cold air, but once spring arrives, a much more southernly influence takes hold and creates the warmer air. Does that make any sense? I typed that out way too fast.


To answer the question - Japan gets bunches of snow but it also melts quickly. Hence, no glaciers here and no summer skiing/boarding even with the big mountains.

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I would say that over half a metre has melted in my town since Saturday. My BBQ is slowly emerging from the snow and on Sunday I put my long boots on and waded out to the clothesline for the first time in 4 months. And now on Thursday theres nothing under the clothesline anymore. But bonus, in the melting snow I found a lift pass, some sweets and a big pile of dog poo \:\(

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Quickly from now on, hey.


I always think it's sad seeing the resorts only half covered with snow. Not yet of course, but another few weeks and we'll be there.. \:\(

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In Japan, snow does melt very fast as the weather change so quicky from cold to hot.


As you know, in many area comfortable spring weather last very short time \:\(

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