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Anyone here got an e-book machine/reader/whatever you call them? Friend of mine from the UK has just come over and he has the Sony one and it is pretty cool. Very thin, nice screen, can pack tons of books onto the thing. Haven't seen one here in Japan (though I haven't been looking) but it's a good idea...

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The one in the UK is already out of date (if thats the one he has). The US has a new "700" version which is faster but some people saying the earlier "505" is actually preferable.

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Ive just been listening to lectures from the TTC (The Teaching Company) that I got off the net. They have (practically) every possible college course available. Currently listening to a comparative religion and a linguistics course. Not reading, but still stimulating to listen to on the way to work. If anybody else enjoys listening to lectures go to any torrent site and search TTC - they have some wicked lectures smile


sorry a bit off topic

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In the UK you download from Waterstones. The "books" are mostly 20% off, which means about 5 or 6 quid each. Must be laughing when they don't have to make the physical product and distribute it like a real book. I feel the prices should be cheaper.

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The "books" are mostly 20% off, which means about 5 or 6 quid each.

I think that is way too expensive. If they want this to take off in any way a decent price would go a long way. If they were half that, I would seriously consider getting one and probably download a lot of books too. The price they are though just seems too much.
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