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13000 foot tall building - want to live here?

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Friend send me this, not sure where it is coming from:




Japan is a country full of crazy ideas, but their plan for the world's tallest building makes every single one of their insane USB devices look downright reasonable in comparison. It's a 13,123-foot-tall superstructure. To give you an idea of just how tall that is, it's about 7 times taller than the current tallest building on earth, and it's a solid 700 feet taller than Mt. Fuji. Yeah, it's pretty tall.


The mountain-shaped building, known as the X-Seed 4000, would be able to house upwards of 1,000,000 people and would cost somewhere between $300 billion and $900 billion to construct. Due to the size, scope, and, well, general insanity of the project, the chances of it actually being built are somewhere between slim and none. But hey, it's nice to know that at least one country out there is willing to make plans for stuff this crazy.




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I saw a documentary about plans to build a super building in Tokyo, it wasn't this tall, but it consisted of separate rings that would be a mini-city on each floor, with parks and its own train system. Seemed pretty mental

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Burj Dubai is halfway done and is going to trump everything currently existing by miles






for concept buildings Japan has had a few, the X-seed is the most mind boggling, though they all pretty gob-smacking.


Skycity 1000 in Tokyo(1000m)



Shimizu Mega city pyramid (2000m)



Aeropolis 2001 (2000m and 500 storey)




America not be outdone once proposed a Frank Lloyd Wright behemoth called the Illinois - 1700m and 528 storeys)


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Tallest building is currently the Taipei 101. 509m

Tallest building to top of antenna is Sears tower in Chicago 527m

Tallest tower (Free standing structure) is CN tower in Toronto 553m Tallest structure is a radio mast in Fargo Nth Dakoto - 628m


When finished the Burj will own all major records, tallest building and tallest structure (free standing or supported) at about 800m

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i personally can't imagine anything more boring than an 400m indoor ski run. if you're into jumps, maybe, but on the whole it seems so far removed from what i enjoy about snowsports.


i'm not sure i'd like to live in some megatower either. quite scary i'd say. while i wouldn't live there, i do like the idea of the massive tokyo building, with a self contained city, simply for its bizarre futuristic ambitions

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