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Does anyone else feel there is a lot of shouting going on in this country? From children, people making announcements, tv programs - I see to hear shouting everywhere. Gives me a headach.


Where does this need to shout come from? I know when I was working at a school the kids seemed to be encouraged to talk really loud (bordering on shouting, especially at events). Is there a reason for it?

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I hate it as well...With ERECTIONS this weekend here in inaka Kyoto there have been roughly 8 candidates with their loudspeakers on their cars going off round the clock from 8am on. Gawd it drives me nuts mad.gif


The same wankers are standing in front of the stations all doing their yoroshikus and being all polite and saying how their going to change the world - yeah right :rolleyes:


Cant wait for it to be over!!!

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Originally posted by Hokkaidough:
Do they wear nice clean white gloves? lol.gif

Who are you voting for, CB?
most of em yeah

Id vote for the quietest one!! But we're not allowed to vote in Japan...prolly fits under that list of things Gaijin dont understand about Japanese culture eh? Japanese politics is too difficult for us ;\)
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Bang 8am this morning I got the first blast from the election people. The message was profound:


"Ohayo gozaimasu. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu."


That was it. Perhaps it sums up the guys policies.

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Had that for 10 days ending last weekend here in Hiroshima. Bloody hell! I was ready to throttle them! The thing that gets me is that most of them just say their name over and over and over. Why do they think that would make anyone vote for them?? If voting was compulsory then maybe it might be an effective method. I mean if you HAVE to vote but don't give a toss, or don't really know any of the candidates, then simply the fact that you heard a name a lot might draw you to that name on the ballot. But when voting isn't compulsory, surely anyone who actually makes the effort to go out and vote has an idea about who they are gonna vote for wakaranai.gif I heard about an area where 10 politicians agreed to campaign minus the blaring speakers (which are government subsidized out of our taxes, by the way). Good on em, and I hope they get eRected!

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A mate of mine pointedly stuck his fingers in his ears and scowled at them as they went past, to which the lady on the speaker said something like "gaijin sama, urusakute, gomeiwaku kakete moshiwake gozaimasen" lol.gif (To Mr Gaijin over there, we are very sorry for bothering you with this noise!)

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actually, re:shouting, I saw the funniest thing ever at school last week. The new principal walks in to the staff room right as the phone rings..and it's for him so he just takes it at his desk (right behind me). He starts having a normal conversation but in the loudest voice. Everybody can hear him clearly in the rather large staff room. I wonder what's going on and turn around to see the most incredible sight! He has the receiver up to his ear...but the end you talk in was up above his eye!!! rather than in front of his mouth. I was so surprised I just stared! I didn't know if I should tell him how to use a phone or not...

I noticed the other teachers noticing and fighting back a smile but none of them went any further...oh well. Don't know how this guy became a principal not knowing how to speak into a telephone

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Originally posted by klingon:
Did she shut up though?
no they don't!

Our kids kindy owner and local temple mafia is having a go at this election and he has made the kindy teachers get in those cars and "don" ib the white gloves.

Funny thing is today when the car was passing our local park, it came up to someone who maybe said hello and whatever else then the chick proceeded ro have the conversation with that person (less than a metre away) over the PA!

I know any Pollie that made that sort of noise would not get elected at home.. and would prolly end up read and eggy!
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Not heard much of the election things of late. There is one guy in my office who does not know how to not shout. Every time he opens his mouth it is loud. Ir really tires me just being in the same room with him.

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The friendly/polite staff at restaurants and shops in Japan most definitely beats what we often get here in the UK. I do think it is impoving in places, but generally Japan is far more pleasant.

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