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What do young Japanese do to "rebel"?

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Just what do young Japanese do to rebel?


The only thing I see is smoke (gosh!) and maybe drink alcohol before they are adults (20 yrs old of course!) I'm sure there must be lots more things going on out there, I just don't see them.....

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Drugs and thinner are NOT allowed in the Bosozoku! Bosozoku will kick your ass if you're a member and you do that shit.


But Bosozoku is a form of rebellion where thinner and drugs are not - in Japan. Thinner and drugs are a cry for help for some intense reason or another.


Fashion is used heavily here as a mild form of rebellion. Really more unconventionality... This includes hair, piercing, and cloths.


Tobacco (I guess that's a drug so, an exception to above - or a mix of the two)


Breaking shit that doesn't belong to them seems to be the most common "severe" one I see. So, Vandalism.


Yup, not coming home at night is a big one too!

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Yes a lot of truancy here as well. It doesn't seem to get talked about that much but there does seem to be a fairly large problem.


I have seen very little vandalism here.

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