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I remember a while ago the plastic wrapping on CD's was cited as a trivial pain in the arse.


I have a new one: pop open water bottles. By pop open I mean like the things you see on bicycle water bottles.


200-500ml bottles of water are great for a few reasons:


1. They fit nicely in your pack for a day of riding

2. They can be refilled and reused over and over

3. They are made of soft yet super strong PET plastic.

4. When you crash on your pack the bottle squashes and doesn't feel like you fell on a rock.


But, add a pop top suck lid and suddenly they are useless:


1. If in a public place (airport, on a flight, on the train) then the part you put in your mouth is exposed to the dirty crowded urban environment. That is gross. The more you use the bottle, the more it is exposed to grime. The clear plastic cover cap that comes with it is useless.

2. This is my big grrrr point: if you board with one in your pack and you fall had on the bottle they can and do pop open under pressure thus soaking your pack contents


I don't know about Japan, but the water bottles I see these days almost always have a pop lid rather than a good old fashioned screw on variety.


This is a trivial grumble, but writing about it is more interesting than working today.

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Something that annoys me is the huge boxes that they put software in - about 10cm deep. Open it up and there's a cd in a paper envelope and 1 piece of paper with some quick install info and that's it. It is just such a waste.

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Originally posted by Bushpig:

I hate the mountains of raw cabbage (with endless free refills!) that you get with a tonkatsu meal lol.gif


Kintaro - do you mean wire coat hangers?

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you need an Evian pop bottle spud, the piece you suck is conveniently covered when not in use and in transit, though they can pop open in your pack if you not careful. evian_bottle.jpg

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Originally posted by le spud:

4. When you crash on your pack the bottle squashes and doesn't feel like you fell on a rock.
reason number 4 is the reason why he doesnt have Nalgene.
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Nonononononon! Raw cabbage is just friggin wrong people! Ecological footprint O11? Well the farts generated by the mountains of the stuff are sure to burn me my own personal hole in the ozone layer! Spud, I hear ya on the tonkatsu, but just get rid of the damn cabbage!

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Originally posted by snowglider:
Originally posted by le spud:

4. When you crash on your pack the bottle squashes and doesn't feel like you fell on a rock.
reason number 4 is the reason why he doesnt have Nalgene.
Yes they are hard plastic
But pretty much indescructable
You can use them forever. What a waste of plastic to keep buying disposable water bottles. Even if you are recycling them.
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Yeah they do break sometimes

I've had 4, lost 2


But I've always taken them into the mountains and I've never had a problem on any of my many backcountry trips with them breaking which is more than I can say for people that I sometimes go with carrying pet bottles and water bladders.

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Yuppies that drive 4WDs. I do my grocery shopping in the snooty suburb over from the one we live in because it has a better supermarket.

Pretty much every time I go I nearly have a collision with some stupid rich housewife who has no idea how to drive her monstrosity of a car. Seriously, they drive BMW and Mercedes Benz 4WDs that look like they've never been taken off road. Why on earth do they need them? What's so prestigious about owning one? Do they even know how to spell the word 'emission' let alone realise that their car is one big diesel fume-spewing machine?

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;\) People who use the word yuppie and snooty. It is such a 'have not' word that appears perpetuated only in Australia (and perhaps England where class resentment is at an extreme: I wear suit and seriously get tradesmen in their vans speeding up at me when I cross the road. Obviously they don't want to hit me, but they want to make a point). The fact is there are ignorant wankers along the entire spectrum of 'class', but poorer people tend to excuse their ignorance and dickhead habits by virtue of the fact that they are poor, so must belong to the class of 'real people'.


I agree though, those 4WD SUV's are selfish from a road safety and conservation perspective. The fact that they never go off road is however not a very valid argument against people owning one as they are now so common that the off road aspect is not even what they are designed for. People like them cause they are big and look cool. I admit to liking 4WD in general. My dad had a Toyota Hiace dual cab 4wd for years and I loved it (still do).


My irritation for the day is pubs that have their kitchen and bar room ventilation outflow placed directly above their front door. Everytime you walk past you are assaulted with the combined stink of stale beer, ciggy smoke and chip fat. There is a franchise Irish bar near me and my colleagues and I all hold our breath when we walk past it.


Piggy - what else should one eat with a 1 inch thick slab of deep fried breaded pork that has a half inch thick strip of pure fat on it? Raw cabbage, in a perverse way, seems quite appropriate lol.gif


Beanie - yes, those specialised hiking water containers are like a rock in you pack and so are uncomfortable to board with. PET bottles are also re-usable and last almost a whole season (if they don't have a pop lid). Plus they are light.

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I've actually eaten one or two of them a few years ago, battered with icing sugar sprinkled on it. It came from the corner Greek operated fish and chip shop in Bondi. Although not exactly nice, they are not as disgusting as you might expect.

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They are nice actually.


When I was a kid I used to get a Mars bar and microwave it with a bit of milk. Voila - yummy chocolatey caramely sauce drink. So I thought at the time. Not sure how I'd like it now.


In fact I used to have a few good "Microwave Menus".


Another one was Cheese Crisp. Get some cheese, microwave it - voila... Cheese Crisp!

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oh yeah! Cheese crisp with a sprinkling of salt! I used to do that too 2pints! thumbsup.gif


Spud, you can eat whatever the friggin hell you want to eat with it, as long as it ISN'T a mountain of bloody raw cabbage!

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