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Did you get your flu shot?

Where did you get jabbed?

Did it hurt?


I got mine, upper left arm, did not hurt at all.


Some of my Japanese friends thought it hurt like hell though. Wonder if it is because Gaijin are fatter and feel it less.

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If you relax and let the needle slip in, it doesn't hurt. If you tense up it hurts. Also, we gaijin can be pretty stoical. Japanese doctors often ask me why I didn't cringe when they've finished a painful procedure. I tell them that cringing wouldn't make it hurt any the less.

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Got mine for free at work. Didn't hurt at all at the time but I felt a bit sick the next day. Did it last Thursday & I've still got a big bump on my arm. Another friend of mine paid 3000yen for hers. Misorano, 18,000yen sounds a bit steep - was that for the whole family?

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AS O11 said if you tense the muscles dont allow the needle in and out cleanly, hency the soreness. If you get it in the arm, try not to tense up your wrist, it helps. (Goes the same for blood tests too)


Oh sorry for the ones livng overseas and planning on going to Japn, you can ask your doctor which strain you need to be protected against and can order you some stuff in.

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The wife, kid & I have had the JAB every year for the past 5 and in all honesty it DOES hurt.


Needles don't bother me at all. I even enjoy the dentist pin cushioning my gums; taking blood/on a drip - like hit me with a feather; having a BIG vitamin injection - nought. Tense I aint.


So why does my flu shot hurt?


Been going to our same family doc for years - lovely lady.


Are you guyz telling me she's not got the knack?


How can I tell her? confused.gif

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Fattwins you gotta find small community doctors clinics, the one we went to is 30 mins from our place, the doctor is about 75 but his nurses are cool. They want customers I guess and to draw patients away from big clinics or hospitals.

Or maybe they are benevelent and really care about our health before the mighty yen


The nurse who gave the jab is pro, she gave the boy his and he didnt even realize until 2-3 seconds later, she was lightning fast.


Generally doctors suck at giving jabs, nurses who do it all the time are the ones you want to do it.

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Do flu shots really work for you guys? I had one in 2001 and I got a bad flu that year - I was in bed for two weeks. I had a flu shot the following year and got the flu again - which took me a whole month to recover from fully.


I haven't had a flu shot since and haven't had so much as a sniffly nose!


What's the story?

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After a few days, now I also have a bump, a rash, and a slight discomfort but not much else.


I did not know needles had a silicon coating nowadays. I hope the silicon does not come off during the injection.

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Just refining my earlier post re the pain.


The Pain doesn't come with the initial sticking, it's for the 2 ~ 5 seconds when the good stuff is being pumped in.


When finished so is the pain, but always the spot is tender and muscle feels a little stiff.


I wouldn't want anyone to punch me there.


O-11 - silicone needles, now that's interesting.

I'll ask her next time.

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