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Starbucks and lukewarm "health and safety" coffee temps

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I was at a Starbucks in Liverpool the other week and made an order and asked them specifically to make the coffee hotter than normal. Fed up with getting lukewarm coffee, as you do. Anyway apart from feeling like I shouldn't have to ask that, the lady playing with the beans then proceeded to tell me that due to "health and safety" regulations confused.gif lol.gif , they couldn't make coffee hotter than a certain temp. And that wasn't particularly hot. What a joke. I got my coffee in the end and she said she had made it hotter than the normal temp, it was ok but still not too hot. What she said just seemed ridiculous. They should have disclaimers to sign so that I take full responsibility for any accident I might have with my "hot" coffee.

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Well yes, but I was with some friends so it wasn't just my choice. I just found it ridiculous that they couldn't serve hot coffee due to "health and safety reasons" lol.gif

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What use is hot coffee anyway?


That's interesting that you can't have hot coffee for safety reasons, but you can have sweet and fatty coffee in spite of the obvious health risks. They need to clamp down a bit more there.

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How does a nation get to the state where people pay taxes to employ other people to make and enforce rules regarding how hot coffee is allowed to be? Somewhere along the line, there was clearly a repeated failure of somebody to say loudly, and repeatedly "**** off!", and maybe risk some temporary unpleasantness.


Is nothing allowed to be served on a griddle in the UK? That would surely represent an intolerable hazard. "Call the Inspector! There's a conspiracy to make ishiyaki bibimba!" Certainly if the ovens at Pizza Hut had been maintained at less than 40 degrees, I would have had fewer burns on my arms when I was a Dough Master there (also if I hadn't been permanently drunk).

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