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Everything posted by foreversnow

  1. Morning Beautiful day here in Oz. Thought I would share some of my Breakfast vistiors. Only a few today we normally have heaps. [/img]
  2. Mr Snowhunter bought a Vew-Do Balance Board. He loves it when he first got it he was very wonky but now he has mastered it and rides it like a pro. He started with 10 minutes a day and now rides it for about 1/2 hour with his snowboard boots on. The puppy finds it very entertaining too!!!!!!
  3. Thank you for asking this question I have always wondered when I throw my ski's on the ground and clip in if there is a left or right. Being blonde I have never been game to ask anyone in case they died laughing. I would always ski down and think yeah they feel good must me on the right feet.
  4. Originally Posted By: ratherb@thesnow Mikepow do you hire your services out for back country guiding/photography? What do I need to do to PM a person? every time I try it just comes up telling me that PM is disabled Join the queue there is a bidding war on for Mike's services in Niseko
  5. Originally Posted By: grungy-gonads I had a lovely strawberry mochi daifuku or whatever they are called today. Very yummy it was. These look YUMMMMYYY Can you get these anywhere in Japan??
  6. EXACTLY the POLLIES and DO GOODERS have ALL gone MENTAL. Do they not think there is a reason why the have a tie on cap!!!! It is very hard to go and rescue someone with a wide brim had and cancer council approved sunglasses. OH WAIT a minute maybe they want the lifesavers in a full brim hat, long sleeves and pants and when someone gets into trouble maybe they can change into their lifesaving garb. IDIOTS. So now the lifesavers will not be able to have vegemite on toast for breakfast, clean their teeth and rinse with listerine before going to work in there WIDE BRIM HATS!
  7. Sorry to pour cold water on you BUT you have visited in peak season. You perhaps should have scheduled a sightseeing trip for Sunday. Don't worry in a day or so it will be back to normal I'm sure.
  8. Funny Question!! My Nephew who has NEVER Snowboarded before went to NZ last year had 1 lesson and was doing Blackruns. I have been skiing awhile now have done US, Canada, NZ & Japan ans still can't do black runs. Now is it that I am not 20 anymore with no fear and at my age am into self preservation or that perhaps just an idiot!!
  9. SV I bought my mum and dad one for Christmas last year and they love it. Everytime they are having vistors it gets turned on to show the photo's. I have uploaded photo's of her favourite flowering tree, dogs, party's, days out. It is great for them as they can look at it whenever they want which they don't seem to do with all their photo albums. The other bonus is the grand kids email them with current pictures which get put straight on the DPF. GET ONE!!
  10. Mike you have excelled with these pictures I think they are your best yet. SIMPLY AWESOME
  11. HERE HERE PP. I have to agree I have learnt heaps from this website and, with a bit longer to go than you, have compiled a little travel diary with the useful information to take with me THANKS SNOWJAPAN & SNOW JAPAN MEMBERS
  12. Hadn't heard of that incident But thank you I have printed it out and will leave it on my husbands pillow tonight for some light reading before he goes to sleep.
  13. HEY don't you worry about that I have checked everything out on that label. THIS IS AN AUSTRALIAN ICON. Most australian kids grew up on vegemite "I'm a vegemite kid". OH NO but now they are going to have to grow up on water because it has no fat, carbohydrates, no salt - HANG ON what about Fluoride what does that have in it!!
  14. One of my customers kindly bought me in some of her ski gear to borrow for my upcoming trip. A one piece FLUORO PINK with LIME & Purple Stripes Suit BUT WAIT THERES MORE it had matching Hot Pink Fluffy Ear Muffs and Hot Pink/Purple Gloves and Neck Warmer. God I would have looked like the president of the Wham Fan Club. I kindly let her know I had my own. If there is anyone out there who would like to borrow it she has left it with me just incase I change my mind and want to use it.
  15. I can't believe that they want to take Vegemite off the shelves because of it's high salt content in a push to battle the obesity problem. HELLO how many people sit down and eat a jar of vegemite in one sitting??? I am sure NO I KNOW there are people out there that eat a 250gm packet of chips, a 2 litre of ice cream, packet of tim tams all in one sitting. Are we going to close McDonalds, Pizza Shops, Hungry Jacks, Fish and Chip Shops. I am sorry but I choose to be person that watches what I eat and I exercise daily to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Why should I suffer because
  16. WHAT THE???? May have to put that on my list of things to see do.
  17. I thought most injuries to beginner snowboarders was to the shoulders and wrists. I will let you know after my attempt at snowboarding this trip !!
  18. Funny I would never think of getting on my horse without a helmet but have never considered wearing one whilst skiing. Being that I am a novice and felt I don't put myself in dangerous situations OR go fast enough I have never thought about it.
  19. You lucky bugger Banno. We have just reached the 30 Days countdown and hoping the snowfalls keep up until we get there. If you check the archives you will see Niseko is blitzing last years snowfalls and depths. With a big front due to come through on the weekend you are going to have a GREAT TIME!!! Hope you packed a snorkel
  20. I SO WANT A BREAD MACHINE BUT I would hate to think what size I would end up MMMmmmmm Fresh bread every morning with melting butter JUST HEAVEN!!!!!
  21. Hi 2angels We booked way back in May and our travel agent had trouble getting us accomodation back then. We are staying at the Century Royal. Don't mind what it is like as long as there is a bed. We are there for 3 days and will be up at the crack of dawn and planning not to get back to the motel until midnight each day.
  22. Mr Snowhunter had issues with the Burton Boots - Quality was okay but size was way out. Burton Driver X felt really comfortable when tried on and walking around in them but once you were out riding in them THEY WERE AWFUL way to ridge not giving at all. Burton SL 10's but they were a smaller fitting boot. He has now gone for Burton Serow which seems to be the goer. The reason he goes for the burton boots is because of the new Burton lace pull system. Mmmmmm!!! He seems to have bought a few boots without my knowing!!!
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