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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by samurai

  1. don't feel bad... noisy eating is hard for some of us to deal with.
  2. ultra light is great... if everying you carry is ultra light. if your pack, tent, stove, sleeping pad, clothes, food, yada yada is packed with an attempt to be light. Then, you'll notice a difference in weight. If you haven't planned all of your gear to be ultralight... there is little purpose in saving half a pound for your sleeping bag, imo. And... after lugging 20-30 pounds of gear around for a winter ski camping outing, I see little benefit in carrying ultralight sleeping gear which would result in ultra light sleeping. I'm telling ya, wind-proof/water-resistant shells ar
  3. I have a 7 year old marmot col. (-20f) I still love it. if you're considering Mountain Hardwear, who do make rad bags, their direct counterpart/competition is Marmot. They're basically the same bags as they use all the same materials. Your shell can be important. ultralight shells are nice, they're light. But wind-proof/water-resistant shells are the shiz... they also retain heat better. (bias- I never count ounces for my living quarters. Saving a few ounces in weight is not worth losing sleep over... literally) (thanks for the reminder of what my wife will be getting
  4. I would applaud the man who made a real-life "lost in translation" documentary citing various situations in life that simply don't translate across languages in reference to world-belief systems. That would actually be an interesting movie.
  5. Originally Posted By: Mamabear [ yeah - see THAT is what I mean.... I can have a conversation with people who hold a different view point than me - but I am not in any way extremist or 'devout'. Why can't other people do that! the reason they can't is the exact same reason you don't understand that they can't. Too locked into their own world belief system. to you, the solution is obvious. To them, the solution is obvious. (by the way, well said fjef.)
  6. mamabear, just get some epoxy and fill that delam. It's quite a common issue. board tuners- the difference between a 2000yen and a 7000yen tune job is quite substantial. The 2000 gig will just wipe on some wax that'll rub off after a few runs. Hardly worth it. The 7000 gig's wax will also only last a few days, but you're not paying for the wax, per se. You're paying for clean edges, angles and possibly a restructured base. I do this every year to clean my base and reset my edge angles. I also maintain my edge angles with diamond stones on a daily basis. If that vocabulary is confusing
  7. I've been an avid skier for all my life. I joined the ski-fanatic discussions when I was a kid. Ever since then I have noticed that right around football season/fall/halloween, the skiers start poking their heads out of their holes with comments like; "I heard this is going to be a sick winter." or "this winter is supposed to be huge." I just don't listen anymore. Although, I completely admit to having spoken them words on many occasion myself. we'll see when it gets here, after it's here and how long it stays here without rain. I'll tell you in march.
  8. that first shot is hilarious. I didn't quite notice the ladder holding the "hose" up like that. ssooooo ghetto.
  9. I could totally drink a cup of coffee at the bottom of that watch the madness on my sunday morning.
  10. actually, when I rode hachimantai last season, daver and I were shocked they were open. This isn't surprising to me at all. What is surprising, however, is that they still fail to market overseas.
  11. quite common. My brother-in-law just got relocated and promoted. He was told the day before his wedding... then given 1 week to pack after he would get back from his honeymoon. They moved. And everybody was just like; that's the way it goes. I'd never put up with that. Actually, at his wedding, his replacement came to the nijikai. he asked me if I ever have to move around throughout my school system. He was surprised that I don't. Actually, he thought I was lying.
  12. Yeah, don't hunt us gaijin down... don't bother finding us who actually go to where it is worth riding at these local spots. I get FT's point now... I think. It doesn't matter which resort you go to. If you are trying to get away from the crowd to find decent skiing, you won't find it by going places that are necessarily less crowded. it took us years to find those secret spots... and even the locals don't go there. Why do you want to get away from the big names? because they're crowded? I'm quite positive any pow-freak on this forum could find you secrets at any resort
  13. snow-forecast.com is my go to site. But I never look more than a couple of days in advance.
  14. If you understand the term tronning-trees, and it makes you excited, I'll show you a very quiet part of Zao. A zao aesthetic that involves riding double chairs, and zero other people. However, if trees aren't your thing...
  15. I've had two near-death experiences. The first time wasn't scary, I was just scared that my dad was going to kill me for wrecking the truck. (it was dark, I was drunk.) I rolled it 2.5 times down a mountain. Of course, I didn't know that until the next day. Then I saw the truck the next day. the only way to survive, would have been to be sitting where I had been sitting. That freaked me out- the fact that the whole thing, all that steel, collapsed and filled all hollow spaces. My dog would have died. Yet, I was unscathed... literally not a scratch. the doors that smashed inwards stop
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