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Everything posted by mayhem22

  1. fatboy slim is coming to japan!! i for one am stoked. never seen him but i heard he puts on a great show. he also happens to be playing in sendai, of all places! tickets there are 7500 and you can get them at family mart...i'm guessing the price is standard throughout the country? just thought i'd put the word out if anyone's interested. i think he's hitting quite a few cities if i remember right.
  2. i worked in a bottle recycling depot before i came to japan...i've worked in the service industry for years, and somehow people think that it's okay to be rude to people who are sorting through their stinky, slimy, mouldy, cigarette-and-god-knows-what-else-filled bottles - and then giving them money! we had people call us stupid and lazy and accusing us of ripping them off to the tune of 5 cents daily. you get a thick skin after a while, and the odd person who treats you with common courtesy suddenly shines like a beacon of model human behaviour. one time, though, this lady came in
  3. i think only a few people can really pull them off. i really like them if they're clean and well-kept but you don't see that too often. on a more disgusting note, my sister's roommate has had them for about 6 years, washes between them and everything and is not any dirtier than the next person. however, she recently got a killer case of lice! needless to say she couldn't exactly brush out the eggs, so she had to shave her head. apparently her dreads were literally crawling (or hopping i suppose) with lice on the floor of the hairdresser's. yuck!
  4. i only just heard of them from a buddy but i downloaded cafe del mar and a few other random tracks from various albums. dj food is also pretty sweet - i like most anything done by ninja tunes, but i saw dj food in victoria (BC, Canada) - the solid steel component of dj food - and they put on a killer show. "now, listen" is one of my favorite CDs ever... why, what Kruder and Dorfmeister do you recommend, window-cleaner?
  5. hey, that thing's cool. nicole you're good at finding online quizes! mine was 4.2, but to be fair when i live at home i eat a lot more locally grown/unprocessed stuff. i find that harder to do living in japan. we'd need 2.3 planets for everyone to share my lifestyle.
  6. i love cardio too - it always feels so good to push yourself beyond what your body is telling you are your limits. since being in japan i've pretty much been the most sedentary i've ever been in my life . at home i don't have a car so i'd ride my bike everywhere. also i worked at a bottle recycling depot so was constantly unloading trucks, shoveling glass dust, etc. so my upper body was strong too... here, on the other hand, riding bikes down the super narrow country highway that runs through my town is pretty scary (but doable); work is sitting at a desk or at most standing to
  7. i've never been to either a host or a hostess bar, so am pretty much ignorant of the inner workings other than what i've heard from reading and talking to people who've gone....but is there that huge of a difference between host and hostess bars? other than that there are far fewer host bars?
  8. now listening to kruder and dorfmeister - good chill out music. also have to defend neil young. his voice may be a tad painful at times, but he writes awesome songs. crosby, stills, nash and young are really good to listen to. next up on the playlist is buddha bar. mellow mood tonight...
  9. i find the problem with this test (which i've done a few times before - isn't the original one way longer? i don't remember that well - i did it a long time ago) and other similar ones is that it's so easy to tell which answers are going to point to which personality type. i realize that you're supposed to just go with your instincts, but i just think about the questions too much (and mine came out as an "F", not a "T"!)...also, like what other people have been saying it totally depends on the situation and how i'm feeling, what events and environment are surrounding me at the time.
  10. anyone who messes with kids is ****ed and should be killed.
  11. nickelback nickelback nickelback! i'm ashamed they're from canada. and all the other whiny suburban brats who moan about their silver platter upbringings. new country. i do like some old country though. any "top 40s" bands are usually pretty bunk. so is most rap. i gotta say that there's some pretty good hip hop out there, however. creed also really gets to me...there are so many!
  12. mmmmmmmmmm.....tea and cake. yeah, onagawa is beautiful in the summer. and i'm a fish, so i'm happy as a clam (!) in the summer. apparently there's some good surf here too (not a surfer, just a wannabe, but will try this summer) where the river comes out. and another secret place...there's also natsuhama, the beach with the famous squeaking sand. gonna go camping there in may sometime i think. you're lucky to be so close to onikobe though, even if you don't get the coastline.
  13. mmmmmmmmmm.....tea and cake. yeah, onagawa is beautiful in the summer. and i'm a fish, so i'm happy as a clam (!) in the summer. apparently there's some good surf here too (not a surfer, just a wannabe, but will try this summer) where the river comes out. and another secret place...there's also natsuhama, the beach with the famous squeaking sand. gonna go camping there in may sometime i think. you're lucky to be so close to onikobe though, even if you don't get the coastline.
  14. 2L every day. used to be 4, but now not quite so active, so 2. it really does make a difference in your energy levels, and is great for your skin and hair. i'm sure you know all that but when you actually drink that much you notice a difference and miss it when you don't do it. if it's boring because of the lack of taste add a little lemon juice; yummy and good for digestion.
  15. i went to onikobe with some teachers last weekend and i liked it. super icy on one side though. all the snow had been blown over to one side of the hill, but it was good considering the heinous weather lately. i`d like to check it out after a fresh snow. that`s crazy you can ride at Gassan until june! i might have to try it this year just for the novelty. soubriquet - where are you? you in miyagi? im not in sendai; in onagawa, which is about as far away from onikobe as you can get.
  16. this is my first winter in japan - i live in miyagi but've gone riding in hokkaido and iwate too. been the last 6 weekends in a row (most i've ever gone in one season) but can't do the weekday thing... and yeah, as far as i'm concerned i'm glad i can drive to snow like that as opposed to having to deal with it day-to-day.
  17. i've never seen that much snow - that's nuts. any idea if it's packed during golden week? or school break?
  18. i've been hearing from various people about some mountain in yamagata that gets so much snow it doesn't open until april and stays open to mid-may. anyone know what it's called?
  19. oh. just googled kamoshika and realized it's merely an antelope all kitted out for winter! huh. still cool though, and i still want to see one.
  20. those kamoshika things are awfully cute. how big are they? are they related to deer or something? i suppose i could google/wikipedia it...i want to see one! are they only in japan? monkeys are cool but scary sometimes. in thailand i saw a group of about 12 of them take over these girls' sarongs while the girls were in the ocean. they went through their bags, looked through magazines, ate their food etc. i was laughing from afar, but they're viscious when they hiss at you!
  21. i'd have to say it the long term effects completely depend on the person.
  22. yep. if it's not bird flu that culls us, it'll be some other disease/natural phenonmenon/human stupidity - whatever it takes for the forces of nature to deal with us. and the cycle continues, and we're here and gone in the blink of an eye.
  23. never heard of "ice magic" but i have fond memories of eating vanilla ice cream with loads of corn syrup on top with my grandfather.
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