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Everything posted by Ezorisu

  1. Wonder which way things will sway with all the market volatility in recent days?
  2. Originally Posted By: Mamabear Would be an OLD car with drums. I used to drive an old 1954 FJ Holden - drums front and back - took ages to actually stop. 1964 US-market Ford Falcon - all drums... maybe not even boosted! White knuckle experience. It didn't have a lot of "go", but it had even less "stop"!
  3. Originally Posted By: Mamabear Originally Posted By: snowdude My wifes Diahatsu has drum brakes, actually most of the K- cars still have drum breaks new and old. Wow...I thought they would be phased out all over by now. Even some current "all disc" cars still use small drum brakes as parking brakes hidden inside the rear brake rotor hats, so you can still have this happening in a 4-wheel disc brake vehicle.
  4. Originally Posted By: Jynxx Cause and effect. Nothing else had contact or affected the car since it was garaged. When the hand brake is on, the brake pads are pressed onto the drums. This surface contact is rather large and the water rusts the surface of the drums (and some iron that came off the drum and impregnated onto the brake pads) and bonds. It increases the friction the of the surfaces on all parts inside the drums. That´s what I leant, but my personal theory is, its a bit like sharpening a knife on a whet stone. the muddy thing makes the smooth surface of metal and the stone st
  5. Peroni? Moretti? Moretti Dark perhaps? Peroni is probably the best (least nasty?) amongst those three.
  6. Anyone been to the Taj Mahal restaurant in Niseko down in the Tancho building near NAC?
  7. I'm pretty sure this individual is NOT thursday. "Dorkmeister" is definitely not part of ye olde thursday's vocabulary!
  8. That picture makes it a little more clear where it's going in. The drawing in the original press release was a little ambiguous.
  9. Insects have penises? I thought only vertebrates had penises?
  10. Originally Posted By: Jynxx I´m feeling a bit of pain in my neck these days. Coming from all the falls I had in the past seasons. Today I felt like it is like whip lash - doing a cartwheel when my nose dug in, snowboardin´powder. I have back pain beneath the scapulae and one chronically sore shoulder from repeated separations. Impact damage is cumulative!
  11. Originally Posted By: SantaCruz I've heard that Jones Snowboards are pretty responsive if you ping them on their FB page, so maybe it's worth asking them if the 160 would work for you. Very responsive. I emailed them a few times with questions before I bought my board and they responded promptly. Made it even better that their answers were not elusive, but instead were direct and to the point. It turns me off when the company reps just regurgitate what the online catalogue says or give some other corporate non-answer.
  12. Originally Posted By: TubbyBeaverinho the Hovercraft only goes up to 157 though....right? I started off on a 157 but I now plump for a 162, minimum. Do you think that the Hovercraft is ok for slightly bigger riders? I love the shape of it, my local shop always stocks them and I'm sorely tempted to grab one, but the size kinda puts me off The first year out, there was only the one size. This coming season there are two. Just how plump are you? I'm probably about 90kg all kitted up with fully loaded pack and the 156 was more than floaty enough for me. I like how it gives the floatation
  13. I've heard of frogs or small fish falling with rain (swept up by tornadoes), though that's probably not the case here. It's likely that he did indeed climb up as you suspected. I'm sure he will go back down (or elsewhere) on his own if he feels the need for water or less heat or whatever it is that frogs want. Did you want him to stay around?
  14. It's a darned good board. The "MagneTraction Lite" 3-point wavy edges actually made it useable on icy runs. Between the Hovercraft and the Flagship, I'd lean toward the Hovercraft if you were looking for a powder board that doesn't suck on groomers, but I'd lean toward the Flagship if you wanted something more all-around with more stiffness/pop. It took a few sessions to get used to the mid-wide shape of the Hovercraft, but I don't really notice it now.
  15. I see someone has taken up thursday's job of reanimating zombie threads!
  16. There was something I read a long time ago that essentially said that cheap sunglasses are worse for your eyes than no sunglasses at all because: 1) poor optics cause distortion that make your eyes work overtime focusing, so you get eye strain. 2) dark tint without any UVA/UVB protection makes the iris in your eye open larger (because it is dark) and allow more UVA/UVB to reach your corneas.
  17. Originally Posted By: Jynxx Ezo, do tell which powder board you are riding! Jones Hovercraft (2010/2011, first generation)
  18. Originally Posted By: TubbyBeaverinho Originally Posted By: Ezorisu My legs hurt a lot less this year after snowboarding. It's not a fitness thing, since my non-snow activity level both hiking and MTB riding haven't changed. I think the two things that have made my legs more comfortable have been: 1) buying a powder-specific board for deep days (no back-leg burn!) 2) adopting a more even duck stance (more natural leg position reduces strain on the knees) Anyone else have any observations? I think he's talking about boarding It's fine. He did ask a valid question. I
  19. Who would have ever thought that there would come the day when poo would be misused! Don't Misuse Feces! Dammit!
  20. My legs hurt a lot less this year after snowboarding. It's not a fitness thing, since my non-snow activity level both hiking and MTB riding haven't changed. I think the two things that have made my legs more comfortable have been: 1) buying a powder-specific board for deep days (no back-leg burn!) 2) adopting a more even duck stance (more natural leg position reduces strain on the knees) Anyone else have any observations?
  21. Originally Posted By: Jynxx Originally Posted By: Chriselle I think Pie-eater and I are on the same page regarding tipping. Definitely one of the big pluses to living in Japan. We went to Hawaii a few years back and almost got into a fist fight with a restaurant manager about the "built in" tip. That messed up crap will never fly with me. By law, do you have to tip in Hawaii? I thought it is expected and customary, but built in!? How much (%) was on top ? Just for that, I would have just paid the amount without tip and walked out. Not a law. Not a custom. It's not s
  22. I stand partially corrected. I just read something about being able to clear a background check in less than an hour (the wonders of the internet) and purchase a firearm (specifically a rifle - I don't know if this pertains to handguns, as many States have waiting periods for handguns but not for rifles and shotguns) in Colorado. The caveat is having an ID from Colorado (i. e. having State residency) - you can't walk in with your California ID and buy a gun, even if you have a clean record.
  23. This is what happens when you keep research scientists locked up in their labs too long.
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