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Everything posted by misorano

  1. Is it just me or are most of these tarento talentless?
  2. Never heard of "claque" before. But after looking it up, I think it's a little different. What I mean is that you get invited because you are a not Japanese(not because they like you), and they need a non-Japanese to make the event seem more international.
  3. Quote: What's token gaijin? Token means a small or insignifcant amount. What I meant was that sometimes you get invited places to make an event seem more international. Lots of 「国際的ね」comments.
  4. And the winner is: The "lets invite a token gaijin to the (insert event here) and call it international" friend.
  5. Yep, and you know if you did the same thing you'd get the "kitanai gaijin" comments. Bit spoilt for onsens here in Nagano. Usually get to 2-3 per week.
  6. Man I hate it. I always give the full body a scrub and you see the guys comes in and use the bucket to douse their willy and then hop straight in. This is one of the few oyaji things I don't do.
  7. You know you're an Oyaji if you only wash your balls before getting in the onsen.
  8. A lot of note books are 15inch, but they haev better resolution as they are LCD type. So you usually set them at a higher figure than desktop with an old CRT monitor.
  9. Does anyone still use a old 15 inch monitor (set at 800*600)? I'm upgrading a home page and have always set things up to display at this standard width. But even my laptop is set at 1280 pixels, and I'm thinking that the old 15inch monitor is a thing of the past.
  10. Quote: People speak slow with me, but fast when they speak to other English speaking people which is totally difficult for me to understand. Gams: Usually it's because I don't get to speak English too much and it's great to be able to speak. However I speak much faster to other Kiwis (and Ozzies)than I do to Americans etc. A couple of Kiwis going with full accent and slang must be almost impossible to understand. When I first got here I had all sorts of probs with the word "today". All the Japanese would ask "what is todei?".
  11. Quote: "Ten times masturbation, ne." OUCH!! Did you make a few trips to the pink salon??
  12. Hi Gams: One of the problems for non-Japanese visiting the docs here in Japan is that many docs know the very technical jargon in English, but don't know the common names for things. They will give you a medical definition, but most regular people don't know what they are talking about. An example is 耳鼻科, which technically is Otolaryngology (which I can't even pronouce), but everyone I know would say "Ear, nose, throat specialist"
  13. Best J Mates = Rugby team mates They give you sh_t for being a gaijin, but it's done in the same way as they hassle the young guys and the guy who go the clap 3 times. Good thing is they can take it as well as dish it out. Only prob is that they are all 20-35 so you have to go to too many damn weddings.
  14. Yama: Thought it was an extension of the My Car, My Home phenom. Migraine: One's own rice paddy
  15. Migraine : Sounds like a new rice brand from Niigata.
  16. You know you're an Oyaji if you're drunk as a skunk and it's only Monday.
  17. porridge sucks. Isn't there an icon for vomiting on here?
  18. Tsonda, It's a free internet phone. You can also call landlines anywhere in the workd at a really cheap rate. See: SKYPE HP I think for 10 euro you get like 14-15 hours of call time.
  19. Back in the TeeCha days we had kids coming in by train from about 40KM away. While you could understand them talking directly to you, once they get with a group of kids from the same hometown it's bloody difficult to understand a word. I was once visiting a student studying in Minnesota, and I was with the LA agent (a J bloke), and he couldn't understand a word this kid was saying.
  20. Pretty big generalization, but Tokyo Hotels like to have all the "i"s dotted. With most of our guests coming in from overseas, they get caught up in flight delays etc. Quite a few hotels in Tokyo don't let this slide, but we never have a prob in Osaka. Hakone is a bit of a pain too, while Nagoya has quite a few hotels that refuse foreigners point blank.
  21. Yama: Thanks for the reply. Quote: I think theyre more likely to laugh at you than cover your ass too. Damn smart@sses Only Kansai people I really deal with are hotels, and I've found they they are really adaptable and accomodating of our guests. If there is a mistake or the number of guests is wrong they just get on and fix the problem, rather than having a hissy fit. We also get quite a few eigyou men coming around, and the Kansai ones seem to be the friendliest. Quote: Kansai is def the most interesting and rhythmical dialect. I dont think you can seperate attitude and
  22. snobee: Gams is right. With a group this size you need to get everyone locked in. There always seems to be a person or two who cancel at the last minute. Tell them you need a deposit for the accommodation or something.
  23. Quote: either way he can join the 95% of Japanese students of English who have no clue at all about passive voice. And also join the 99% of native English speakers who have no clue at all about passive voice. (me incl)
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