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Everything posted by misorano

  1. SKI: He has mastered the knack of catch phrases. He speaks in short sentences and is easy to understand.
  2. With Koizumi set to give up after the next LDP AGM, there's been a bit a discussion on who is gonna be next. Such is the nepotistic nature of Japanese politics, 3 of the main contenders are descendents of former PMs. Fukuda (ex. Cabinet Sec) is the son of PM Fukuda Aso (Yakuza faced Foreign Min) is grandson of Yoshida, and Abe (Current Cab. Sec) is grandson of Kishi (岸) God help us if Aso gets the job, he strikes me as a smarmy little prick. However of the current cabinet, I reserve a special dislike for Nakagawa (ag. min) Any bets on who is gonna be next PM?
  3. Nope. There is a train line down from Itoigawa to Hakuba (and on to Matsumoto), but there's only 1 train every 2 hours or and you're left with a wait at Minami Otari. Nagano is closer and has a good bus service.
  4. Opps, I just go with what the computer comes up with.
  5. ... you choose the ski area with the shortest walk from the carpark to the lift.
  6. Mark Todd had the one and only Charisma. Died January 7, 2003. (Only NZer's will get this one)
  7. big-willy: Take more than that to get all the crap out of me.
  8. Wiggly: Fuji TV has been taken to the cleaners. Didn't quite realize what they were getting into when the bought 12% (may be wrong) of the stock. Not allowed to sell it for 2 years or so, so at present they are suffering an massive on paper loss.
  9. Horie's Mate who supposedly offed himself had cuts to both wrists, throat (both sides), and stomach. Did a real good job of it. I would have thought that all these guys would have ultra secure systems that the coppers would not be able to get into. Passwords and heavy encryption. One thing you notice about NHK is they use YOGISHA a lot less than the other networks. The tend to favor HORIE ZEN SHA CHO.
  10. BP: They are going to extend it down from Kanazawa to Osaka later, but work on it hasn't started yet. If you're still here in 35 years you may be able to someone to roll your wheel chair onto the train from one of the platforms at Shin Osaka.
  11. Without wanting to appear too nerdy, I've made a simple map. If you look at he contour shading, you will figure out why it is going up to Iiyama
  12. Should be at Saka with 3 little ones (8-G, 5-B, 3- Probably have the 3 year old in a lesson if he'll go. Otherwise we'll prob be around the cross course on the very right have side of Saka on Sat PM.
  13. Hokkaidough: It is easier to break through to the Japan Sea coast north of iiyama than it is north-west of Nagano.
  14. Eventually it is going to extend down to Osaka, offering a northern alternative to the Tokaido line. Nothing like going miles out of your way and adding a few hours to the journey. If the Chuo Shinkansen (Maglev) gets off the ground (no pun intended) then Osaka and Tokyo will only be 1 hours apart.
  15. AusBc: I've found that airports often have terrible rates as people just arriving need money to get out of the airport and they figure they can rip them off. Why not contact your credit card co. Tell them you are going to Japan and want to get all your money out of a Japanese ATM in one go. Do that at Narita AP. My NZ cards only allow me to get about 45,000yen a day out, but my Japanese ones all allow about 500,000yen. Silly really as my limit on the NZ Card is about 4 times the Japanese ones.
  16. They are putting it thru from Nagano to Kanazawa. I was up in Itoigawa a few months ago and they seemed to have the most of it done.
  17. ...you offer to take the kids skiing with you so you don't have to push yourself.
  18. CB: Document is called 標準旅行業約款 which the the offical terms and conditions approved by the Ministry of Transport (国道交通省). Every travel agent has a copy in their office.
  19. We got out of selling air tickets last year as it is a pain in the a$$. The wholseller gives agents a net rate (without taxes etc incl), and then you add your own margin. Most of the bigger agents only add 2,000 - 3,000yen to the tickets and then try and sell them. There are so many rules and regulations on each ticket, unless you get someone who knows what they are doing you can be in for some nasty suprises. HIS/ No.1 / Accross etc staff sell a lot of tickets as it is their main business. Pleaces like JTB, Kinki, Nippon Travel etc would rather sell you one of their packages, and most
  20. Depends on the ball and chain. I'll take the kids off her hands for the day and I should be allowed out.
  21. They should have a HP up in a few days. Tracks Bar Home page Where are you staying? I can get directions for you.
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