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Mr Christopher

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Mr Christopher

  1. I'm no scientist. Can someone explain this: "It will increase the use of far cleaner hydrogen fuels".
  2. Recently read that book, very interesting and sombre read it was too.
  3. It's very interesting to see things like this and the reviews and stuff on the site. I'm hoping to spend quite a bit of time up there in winter. Cheers.
  4. Is it true that Hokkaido is nice and "cool" even in summer, or is it still hot and sticky - just not as much as the rest of us.
  5. Japan is definitely the hottest I have experienced, about 37 I think. I really hate it. About 15-20 sounds good to me.
  6. There's another of them Earthquake Specials on tv tonight, 7pm. (Don't know if its a repeat or not)
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