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Amos in Utsunomia

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Everything posted by Amos in Utsunomia

  1. And here is another (maybe spoilers): 'I attended the screening of the movie in Marseilles, and I would like to start off by commenting on how much this movie surprised me. I had heard a lot of talk about how personal the story would be, but I was not expecting it to be such a damn tragedy. The movie starts off with Cruise getting his kids from ex-wife. It is established almost immediately that he is a rather shitty fellow, through his mannerisms and the way he acts towards his friends and family. His attitude is the biggest problem - he is arrogant, but it's not the Tom Cruise arrogance
  2. There's a big WOTW interview (from Feb) with Spielberg and Cruise here for anyone interested http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/587/587139p1.html
  3. Sin City - really enjoyed it. Next one Batman, hopefully this coming weekend.
  4. Some "interesting" according to Sky facts on MJ: :: Billie Jean was the first video by a black artist to be added to MTV's regular playlist. :: In 1992, Michael was crowned 'King Sani' in a West African village in Gabon, Ivory Coast. :: Michael's nickname is "Smelly". Film director Steven Spielberg gave him the name for refusing to shower on video shoots. :: Michael was brought up in the Jehovah Witnesses faith. A group of Witnesses once announced that he was the Messiah :: The singer publicized the release of double album, HIStory by floating a 60-foot statue of hims
  5. Quote: And then there are the left handed 4-year olds who get their pencils ripped out of left hands and forced into their right.. Does that still happen? All the best geniuses are left handed.
  6. I've got this feeling I'm gonna be miserable in rainy-season. Where's the worst place to be, uncomfortable-wise?
  7. I just read the following in a Chamonix thread on here, talking about the French resort. Quote: In many parts of the alps you can literally ride anywhere. That means ANYWHERE. There are no boundaries. Japan ropes off inbound trees for gods sake!! Given such an anally risk averse attitude in-bounds I can see much hope for them (the authorities) developing a mentality of adventure out of bounds I don't have a whole lot of experience in Japan, so I'm wondering what the reasons for all the ropes and no-go areas here is? (If someone goes out and has an accident, does the resort have to t
  8. haha nice one. that will help on some boring hot days over summer.
  9. I would have thought it was obvious that the very existence of nuclear weapons was incredibly dangerous - whoever has them.
  10. They should make a few of them round golden week "moveable" - to give as many people a good decent holiday.
  11. Well, I grew up skiing in Canada. I started snowboarding about 4 years back, and still enjoy both.
  12. We seem to be getting a fair few round here these days. And there was a fairly strong one again yesterday afternoon.
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