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Everything posted by HighlyTrainedNovaTeacher

  1. I can't see it taking that much longer than that, if at all, on the local train........
  2. I read that amazon does not re-sell returned stuff as new. I don't agree on the "needs to be taken into account". If something is sold as "New", whether it's cheap or not - it should be "New".
  3. Some very funny "reviews" http://www.amazon.co.uk/product-reviews/B000KKNQBK/ref=cm_cr_dp_all_helpful?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1&sortBy=bySubmissionDateDescending
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEHwtD01MXc&feature=player_embedded
  5. Some of you guys with big big numbers, like wow. Do you not.... work? For me, it's just never enough. That's all.
  6. I like Kirin Classic too. Always a good one to go back to.
  7. With pension ages rising, does that mean we need to get much older now to become a pensioner?
  8. I just remembered Route Finder, very useful 75km http://www.snowjapan...velMode=DRIVING That took me like 30 seconds!
  9. Not sure I'll see any of Sunday daylight so I'll say morning now
  10. Me too I think I need to try and sleep all day Sunday. Sunday already right? hic
  11. I nominate myse3lf! Had a fun discussion tonight. or is it last night about who is the crappest English teach among my friend. I'm sure I would win. No original ideas, don't like 'teaching' and no qualifications. Does anyone want to nominate themselves as being worse than me?
  12. Always is to see this happen to young presumably fit dudes, and in front of everyone too. Hope he pulls through
  13. Aren't most games on both now anyway? They are getting pretty old now hey, must be 5 years + ?
  14. I suppose if they still employ the same system it will still be in there.
  15. She does look nicer than the aliens in Mars Attacks though.
  16. "I can feel bits floating around in it" Sorry Tubby but that kind of made me laugh!!
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