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Everything posted by HighlyTrainedNovaTeacher

  1. I just think there are way too many skijo for the number of skiers/boarders out there as it is. Sadly lots of them would need to close down for the strongest to survice, desho?
  2. My first post in here because I'm by default rather........... well, lazy. Anywhos, now the temperatures are more liveable, I have recently been walking to work instead of getting on the train. 40 minutes either way. Amazingly I'm actually quite enjoying it. When it's not raining suddenly.
  3. Interesting how regions end up like that. Any particular reason in the case of Qld?
  4. OK so we are complaining about hot and heat and then they go and announce that the first snow has fallen on top of Mount Fuji.... or am I misunderstanding the below? 甲府地方気象台は12日、富士山の初冠雪を観測したと発表した。 昨年より12日、平年より18日早い。 同日午前8時頃、山頂付近がうっすらと雪で白くなっているのを、甲府市内の同気象台から複数の職員が目視で確認した。 富士山頂付近では11日夜に雨が降り、12日午前4時に氷点下0・1度を観測するなど、冷え込んでいたという。
  5. I think they are just fed up and weary and decided to give up.
  6. Out of curiosity, I just calculated it and at world marathon record pace, they cover 100m in 17.6 seconds! Mad.
  7. Nozawa seems to get rave reviews all round but I'm not mad keen myself to be honest. There's that big middle bit mentioned here. Just seems disjointed somehow. The snow was incredible this last season it seems, but it isn't always. I have been with some very dodgy conditions in late Feb.
  8. Do we have to do anything about any of these changes?
  9. Can't they just turn off the bloody vending machine lights that burn out eyeballs up and down the country every night. Seriously the amount of light those things emit, it's ridiculous. Sorry I just got blinded by one last night, retinas still recovering.
  10. Never heard of lots of these. Are you watching them online ippy, or dvd?
  11. I went to a wine one once and it was just awful. I love wine but when it's awful it's undrinkable.
  12. Kagawa was interviewed on tv this morning he has refused an extension and wants to go PL.
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