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Everything posted by tsondaboy

  1. I think swearing is a part of my culture (Greek). If you ve ever watched the movie “my big fat Greek wedding” then you know what I mean! I swear and I do it a lot! The most offensive words I know in Japanese is “konyarou” and “kusoyarou” but I don’t find them really offensive.
  2. The most expensive one I had was in the place on the top of the building that is across the sibuya-mark-city west exit. Nice place for romantic dinner with the lady, you can see all Tokyo from up there. I was buing dinner for her, so it was something like 27000 yen for 2 persons. At least the food was excellent so I didn’t feel I was ripped off.
  3. Did you get these snapshots from inside the kagura gondola monotya? I think I remember seeing them in there. They have a list of footprints inside the gondola with the animal picture next to them, if I can recollect well.
  4. starting point is nishinomiya? I was also thinking of doing an one day trip this friday
  5. How about one of these cute little thingies??? They will keep your mimis warm for good and the Japanese girls will surely love them!
  6. I also liked the turtle one. You can put the teenage mutant ninja turtles for a change!
  7. lol nice avatar We both have anime characters for avatars.
  8. Quote: (in the last part of the article, their head patroller says sound can also cause avies... left me scratching my head about that one) Don’t scratch your head Montoya, sound can cause avies. Of course not a whisper but if you call out loud a persons name, then the echo can cause an avie. The sound bouncing back and forth on the valley walls can potentially release some unsteady layers.
  9. Restart your browser man, I can see the avatar under your name!!!!!! Why cant you see it ?!?!?!?!?!?!
  10. send me the link for the picture on your home page and I will check it.
  11. Glad you made it, let’s see if the other old dog can also learn new tricks!
  12. Make sure not only that the dimensions are 70x70 pixels, but that the size is also less than 5000 bytes, ie. 5kb.
  13. It is really easy, just follow these steps: Open in a different window you Members Page and right click on the on the picture you wanna use for avatar and select the “properties” option. In the small window that will open with some info about the picture, locate the URL address. It will be something like .http://www.snowjapan.com/……….,copy this address Go to your profile page in the forums and open the “select different avatar link” “my profile” >> “edit profile” >> “select different avatar link” At the bottom of the page there is a “use custom URL option”. Pa
  14. Quote: Jiji!?!?!?!? Who ?? me?? Hum... you need to get punched, tsondaboy!
  15. Don’t try too hard jiji, you might get a hart attack!
  16. All resort pages (unfortunately in Japanese) have bus plan and time schedules. I have checked for saporo kokusai and kiroro. Buses leave from saporo station or otaru station. It is 4900 for from saporo station to saporo kokusai resort. The time tables are here (in jap). for saporo kokusai buses to kiroro without lifts kiroro timetable I think the easiest thing to do is as soon as you reach saporo station get inside the first travel agency you stumble across and ask them for their plans.
  17. I bought some staff from Autobacks. They have resonable prises. autobacks
  18. here is an algorythm writen in C #include < stdio.h> #include < math.h> void main() { int angle_degree; double angle_radian, pi, value; /* Print a header */ printf ("\nCompute a table of the sine function\n\n"); /* obtain pi once for all */ /* or just use pi = M_PI, where M_PI is defined in math.h */ pi = 4.0*atan(1.0); printf ( " Value of PI = %f \n\n", pi ); printf ( " angle Sine \n" ); angle_degree=0; /* initial angle value */ /* scan over angle */ whi
  19. done only 3 so far because I was really busy in Jan. Things are getting better from now on, I am already booked for 8 days. Plan to take it up to 30 days in total for this season. Or even more...
  20. Yes I definitely do some warm up before I start to ride. Mostly some light running, stretching and some jumping on the spot. If I strap my self on the board without warming up at least my feet first, I usually get cramps. I mast be really funny sight though, jumping an running all around the parking lot!
  21. one also at Yuzawa park The Kandatsu resort is goin on through some renovation lately. Havent been there lately, but I think it could be the most modernised these days.
  22. Same as Slow I also don’t like to eat on the slopes. I prefer to have some good breakfast and then have with me chocolates and candy for the rest of the day in case blood sugar drops. If I eat on the slope I get really sleepy and heavy and can hardly move afterwards. I really enjoy dinner afterwards though!
  23. No no, nothing like that. We both just happen to have the same taste. Thats why I knew from the moment I turned my eyes on them that this could be love first sight!
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