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Everything posted by yamayamayama

  1. I cheated on a girlfriend once. May not sound like a big deal to some people but it was to me. I still feel bad about it.
  2. As unfashionable as it is, I have to say that some songs the Backstreet Boys have done have been almost perfect pop songs with almost 'perfect' production - esp. some of the ballads. I'm not a fan myself, but I will admit that.
  3. Probably every few times on average. Gotta say I do not enjoy it at all, a right pain.
  4. You know what, my ears seem to get real cold out on the hill. I feel I want to cover them up and wondering what's out there that keeps your head parts all warm and toasty. Not too mad keen on head masks (!) but if they are the best I might have to take the plunge. Any ideas/pics of osusume items?
  5. I sometimes heard of "used underwear" ones before I came here but I have definitely not seen any of those.
  6. Is there a way to transfer your complete library of songs from one HDD to another while keeping all your settings (playlists, no. of plays, etc)? I'm about to do it and not sure that just doing it the way I think would keep everything.
  7. Looking at the snowfall in Hakuba since yesterday, it may well be too much for some people I say bring it on - going up there on Fri
  8. Generally drink and be merry. Oh yes, and eat. I did a lot of that too.
  9. I don't think you eat these ones - just look at them and say "kirei desu ne".
  10. Apple don't seem happy about all the new rumors. Apple sues to stop product leaks Apple fans speculate often about new products Computer firm Apple has issued a lawsuit to prevent online leaks of information about future products. The lawsuit, against an unidentified individual, comes just weeks before the MacWorld conference in San Francisco, used to showcase new products. The complaint said an "unidentified individual... has recently misappropriated and disseminated confidential information". The lawsuit was filed with the Santa Clara California Superior Court.
  11. Hey thanks SnowConnection - thats really interesting. Seemed no-one knew what it meant! And welcome
  12. Up there with comedy songs is songs recorded by rugby teams/soccer teams/other sports people.
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