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Everything posted by farquah

  1. What beach are you thinking? There aren`t that many beaches you can camp on "officially" in Chiba, also some restrictions in summer due to nesting trutles from Onjuku down this year should be but not sure yet, however doubt there will be a big number. Water is great at the moment though, was out in Taito this weekend and it was perfect.
  2. A friend of mine hasn't paid his for around 5 years. He recently changed jobs and they automatically started paying it, which then alerted the ward to the fact he hadn't paid for so long. They atarted calling his office and is now left with 80万円 bill to pay. After some negotiations he is now paying off 3万 a month plus his usual!!
  3. The London logo is that bad it makes epileptics fit!! "...yesterday evening, they <olympic branding comittee> were forced to pull the promotional video for the new brand from the official website after complaints from a completely unexpected quarter - Britain's epileptics. In the two and a half minute animation, the logo comes alive, springing from athletes' bodies and bouncing vividly across the city, and one flashing section has triggered seizures" http://sport.guardian.co.uk/london2012/story/0,,2096488,00.html
  4. Hisashiburi people. There is a good site at http://www.tv-links.co.uk this has LOADS of stuff from sports to films to drama, and it is streaming vid not download. If its just a short show you want to watch then this is often easier than downloading for me. Good quality still as long as you let it load a bit before you watch it. Also option for full screen viewing.
  5. Nice to know that the work is helping. In an age when all we hear are bad reports on the state of the earth, it is nice to hear some positive comments once in a while!! Turtles return to UK Quote: Kemp’s ridley turtles have returned to British and French waters after an absence of more than twenty years. Better protection of loggerhead and Kemp’s ridley turtles in Mexico and the US is believed to be the main factor in a rise in sightings around Britain.
  6. Guess he was trying to get a free meal, gone are the days taking your own dead fly for your soup......"waiter!! there is a knob in my soup!!" Entirely more believable!!
  7. Glad it was a good night mate, did you get the turtle stuff through in time? If not hope you can use it next time, all for good cause.
  8. It is great that this forum brings up such topics as this. The culling of dolphins and small whales (pilot whales mainly here)is not a new thing in Japan however international lobbying and outrage from foreign press has meant that a lot of areas in Japan have shut down this practice, for example at Iki. More recent demand for the live export of trained dolphins has meant that some areas are thinking of taking up there spears again to take calves from mothers. The brutality shown in the vids is hardcore but it is great that there is a media we can use now to open peoples eyes to thi
  9. Quote: Originally posted by Creek Boy: your precious turtles are next mate Mate you kid but there was actually a bill reccomended to lift the ban on turtle hunting for food recently. It got chucked out pretty quick but pretty farked that it was reccomended in the first place!! I`ll prep my surfboard for ship ramming!!
  10. Guy`s you shouldn`t be so quick to lump everyone one in one boat here (so to speak!), there is a fair percentage of japanese against whaling and pro conservation here just as there is the same amount of people who are apatheitc about it back in your home countries. If you were to ask a random bloke in the pub on a friday night back home what his opinions were about whaling I doubt he would give to much of an arse either. I work to try and get people to see the potential crisis we are in and the threat to our ecosystems, and it is often in the news here but just not quite as in your face
  11. Had a bit of a bugger of a 3 day weekend just gone. Spent about 5 hours driving to a fairly average resort (tsumagoi) after being stuck in traffic. Finally made it onto the mountain, a mere two hours of riding in and ended up doing the ligaments in on my knee!! Absolutely gutted! Was going through the trees when I hit a root under the snow that I hadn`t seen and ended up arse over tit, knee going the opposite direction. The rest of the 3 day weekend my mates rode as I sulked! Am hoping it isn`t as bad as i think and I can still get soemthing in before the end of season. What are the
  12. oops meant to post this in snow topic, anyway link here Snow vid podcast thing
  13. Those of you with the video ipod or similar may want to check the vid pod cast snowfix. Certainly keep you entertained and get you itching in your seat to be on the snow during your commute anyway!! You can watch it either on site or download it and watch it on your pod or mac/pc Snowfix Vid podcast Mostly Europe based stuff but sometimes amusing!
  14. Quote: Originally posted by Bushpig: Quote: カメス or 亀s Well why the hell not?!? ...beacause at the rate we are going there will only be one 亀 left!!!
  15. grow a beard! Or get one of these one of these and some of this
  16. Thursday- With O`Driscoll and his hammy I see a bit of doubt!! Also O`Connel didn`t have the best game of his life. Looking like they should be much better yet Ireland, be interesting to watch the France game. Is going to be huge! BB-Good stuff, your on the board and I look forward to taking the beers off you at the end when I win!! Sent you an email about the weekend.
  17. Quote: Originally posted by thursday: which one is the stuffed dead animal? [/QB] A man walks into a bar down in Cronwall and orders a beer. The whole bar is looking at the man curiously as he sits down. The bartender looks at his nice suit and tie and asks him if he's from around here. The man replies, "No sir, I'm from Lancashire." The bartender asks the man what he does for a living up in Lancashire. The man replies, "I am a Taxidermist." The bartender slowly asks, "What is a Taxidermist?" The man answers back, "Oh, I just mount animals." The bartender grins wide and yells
  18. Weekends have just got a while lot better woth the 6 Nations kicking off and S14 underway!! Some pretty surprising results from the first weekend, the Crusaders a bit wobbly, and both the Hurricanes and the Chiefs going down too. Anyone on the virtual rugby again? www.telecomvirtualrugby.co.nz I am boshtastic if you sign up. Looks like Ireland could be on for the 6 Nations but Wilko was back on sh*t hot form for England against scotland on Sat. Wasn`t so impressed with Farrell as I wanted to be though.
  19. Albert the Albatros! Before I get hate mail for having a stuffed animal, its all part of a presentation I give on conservation!
  20. ..everybody else`s crap!! When people leave I usually end up giveing them a lift to the airport due to proximity, then when inevitabley their suitcases are overweight I given all the crap they take out!! Also am guessing I have more turtle skulls and eggs than anyone else here!! (Oh and a stuffed albatros!!)
  21. Reading that at the bottom it says the "Publisher in CHief" is a guy called Joey Washington. Am guessing from the name he is also a gaijin?? Bit strange?
  22. Off to Tumagoi (nagano) with a fairly big crowd for the weekend. Thought it was Gunma and was all geared for some bc action but not sure whats going on now, still should be a good trip, and have a new helemt for my noggin!!
  23. Glad to know I wasn`t the only one who got a wee bit lost on the way back!! After leaving the regae bar that "last" one tipped the balance and couldn`t remember the route back at all, even tried asking some really mardy guy in "Shakespeare Hotel" who was thoroughly unhelpful!! MAnaged to follow couple of others after wandering around lost. Just too abd there was no kebab van to wander past ont he way back!! Now there`s a business idea!! Hakuba `babs!!
  24. Top weekend all round. After the mamouth haul to get there was worth it with a good night out and good to put names to faces for a lot of people, still not really sure exactly who I met though!! Got a few random photos I will try and post of the party once I get them uploaded. Sock Monkey and CB. next time I will make you carry on for that "last" drink!! Good snow up at the top of the mountains also and good to bump into TJ out there on the slopes with a face full of powder!! Cheers to all who put it on, and look forward to more of it again at some point. FT hope the stools do t
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