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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by farquah

  1. How do we upload avatater thingy me bobs?? Am a PC heathen!!
  2. having said that there is plenty of time yet!!!
  3. Can`t say have any huge regrets. I gues try to make the best out of all situations despite where you end up. At time can be an arse but invariably you always get something out of everything in the end. Apologies for the sickeningly optomistic post!
  4. Anyone insured with AFLC or similar company, was prob going to get it today but was told by someone that may not be able to cover things like the MRI scan as its a "check" rather than treatment???
  5. Ususally no probs for me, VISA accepted on Shinkansens as well as JR local lines. I even payed for my 600Y ticket back one morning as ATM closed and no cash.
  6. Thuderpants I feel for you mate! Feel free to join me in on the sofa of self pity! See this is what your reduced to when you can`t get on the slopes!!
  7. YOu can do the keg thing from Yamaya stores, not sure if there is one around Hakube but there are stores that definately do them. We usually just ask a local friendly bar and they give you a better deal though.
  8. You can do fairly cheap rides around Tokyo Bay. Friend did it as romantic present for his girlfriend one year. Think about 7000Y per person. But don`t quote me on that. Lasts 40mins I think if I remember. But no idea what compant was called. Def. Tokyo Bay area though.
  9. Today visited the local Hospital to have my leg checked out since it hasn`t got any better from boarding accident at start of month, and found out I have a "messerashii" injury thats the first time doctor has seen. "Perrigrins T" he called it??? Anyone?? Have to have MRI next week, and just went home to check insurance out and as my New YEar luck is going it runs out this week!! Fantastic. Am faced with 5man yen bill and no boarding for the rest of season or rugby!! Gutted! Need to change insurance company as one I had was from home in UK so anyone got any reccomendations as to what compa
  10. r45 unfortunately Chiba seems to be the mecca for anally retentive tourists!! Narita san mainly
  11. Chhers very much. Got it! Much appreciated
  12. Just a quickie, SJ how do I check/view Private messages on here? BEing thick here and can`t seem to find it?
  13. If anyone is on JET or employed through the local government some way look into insurance at your local town hall. There is a great deal you can get because you are employed by the city. Works out at just over 1man and is a prety good policy I think. Sorry no details as of yet but will try and dig something out.
  14. Love my flat and love the area, but its freezing cold at mo and I get absolutely no signal on my keetai!! Thats pretty annoying! Love the fact that live near really beautiful temple but still even now people are flocking here to visit for new years Hatsumode around the corner from my house and work which makes it a complete arse everyday trying to get anywhere due to traffic. Really sh*ts me when tourists in for the day just stroll blatantly in the middle of the road when am driving...."ITS NOT A PAVEMENT YOU MORON!"....I`ll just go and get a cup of tea and calm down for a mo!
  15. office, and blatantly as have not much else to do! Time is money people back to.......oh yeah this!
  16. Nice touch with the quick reply, and don`t mind the recent visitors helps top see if mates have been on. And very masculine colours you have going on!!
  17. http://life5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/kankon/1096710356/ This is the site is was originally from. A mate posted it to me. Its always worth a chuckle anyway!!
  18. Disclaimer- None of the above are specifically the views of Farquah and he accepts no responsibility. Nor are any of the above comments intended to cause offence!!
  19. Found these ona web site, apparently complaints made by some Japanese when polled what they dislike about Gaijin!!! Take with handful rather than pinch of salt! クサイのと、うるさいのは勘弁してほしい。 日本の文化に馴染んで、ちゃんと毎日風呂に入り 471;ャンプーして、香水は控えめに、公共の場ではお となしくしてほしい。 "I wish [gaijin] would let up on being smelly and being loud. Get acquainted with Japanese culture, take a shampoo and bath everyday, lay off the perfume a bit, and behave oneself in public places." 空手の道場に来てた人はシャンプーの匂いを漂わ 379;ていたが 練習が終わる頃には上段蹴りより強烈な臭... "A [gaijin] that came to my karate dojo smelled of shampoo, but his od
  20. Gauntlet Adventurer!!!!!! Apparently am a small axe wielding animal who loves to fight!!! Then gets lost in houses!! Sounds like a night on the town after a few beers!
  21. With you on that one Snobee, at home working on the farm and pulling out the Crimble Cake on a cold winters day after Christmas sat on the tractor with a hot flask of Tea!!!! Can perk up even the bleakest of days, and there are plenty on the farm!!
  22. P.S Echineko Don`t order your Christmas Cake, its heaps better to make it and tastes all the better too!!! You can get all the ingrediants here in Japan. If you make the pudding then its traditional to hide some kind of money coin in the mixture then on Christams day whoever gets it has luck all year!! (Or a big shock when they swallow a 5 yen coin!!)
  23. I feel there aren`t enough people sticking up for the Trad Crimble Cake, so my hand is up in favour!! Love them both Christams Pudding which is different from the cake, as has no iceing or marzipan and is always fun when smothered in Brandy Butter and other spirits and set alight at the Crinmble table. (Watch out for erant hair pieces though from elderly relatives, can be a fire hazzard!). Also love the making of real Christmas cake when I was a kid stirring the mixture and making a wish, then licking the bowl afterwards!! Thats when you know Christmas is coming!!! (que licking the bowl gags
  24. "Ne fret pas" as the French say, today is my Birthday and as an extra special present I asked for huge dumpings of virginal white powder which should fall over night!! What`s mine is yours!!
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