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About maxwoodworth

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  1. So, in anticipation of going to Japan to snowboard, I went to salivate over some boarding magazines at the local bookstore. I picked up the latest issue of Transworld Snowboarding and lo and behold, they had an article on Japan's riding scene. Guess what, it stunk! I don't wanna open up a can 'o "lost in translation" worms here, but the tone of the article was really borderline. It basically said, "while Japanese boarders used to be a bunch of sissy posers up until like, yesterday, there are a couple now who can really ride. And you know what? I'm a honky, so I'm really tall and when i g
  2. Hi Gamera I've noticed your replies are especially thorough. Believe me, it's appreciated! See you on the slopes. Cheers to the rest as well.
  3. I've heard this stuff about Japanese people having different feet. All I know is, my father's mold-fitted 20-year-old Lange ski boots tortured my feet for a whole agonizing day a few years back when i tried using them. never again! Made me think, if my dad's got different feet from me, then it seems that feet are one of things that varies from foot to foot, literally. My feet aren't huge (US10) anyway, so I might just ease the pain of rental boots by using fat socks.
  4. All this news puts my mind at ease! I can now consume rampantly and worry about it later! Awesome! I hear also that credit cards can be used at post office ATMs.
  5. Anyone got any recommendations on good places to rent equipment in Hakuba? Do you have to pay with cash for it? How about credit card? btw: Anyone going to Hakuba Sunday or Monday?
  6. Coming to Japan for first time. I can use a credit card to buy train tickets, right? How about ski rentals and lift tickets? I hear Japan is a cash-based society, but I also hear you can use your cellphone to buy a coke at a vending machine, so what's the deal on CC's? Cheers
  7. Coming to Japan for the first time and skipping Tokyo to head straight for the mountains. If anyone's going to Hakuba on Jan. 30 I'd be happy to share the cost of petrol and whatever other costs (tolls?). I'm an advanced-level skier but a novice boarder. Thinking I'll prolly just board in Japan, so if anyone's in Hakuba and can tolerate a not-so-hot boarder in tow, give a shout out. (somehow I don't think too many people will respond to that one). Any tips on cost cutting are appreciated.
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