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Tubby Beaver

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Tubby Beaver

  1. I think that's the Brazilian spider that was delivered to a London home in a box of bananas!!
  2. Maybe I'm just not that good to notice the difference…..but a wee bit of foam or whatever they lodge in there just doesn't seem to matter when I'm running my 90+kg bulk down the hill pop or no pop!
  3. I pre-scrolled and it's not too long! Ok.....so I read it....dude you put waaay too much thinking into the "tech"....I'm way too cynical to believe that the "tech" has any real or noticeable difference to regular riding chumps like ourselves! That said I'm with u on riding short.....I simply don't believe it works especially being on the heavier side of things...not that i've actually ridden a short. I would like to try a Fish.....for research purposes of course!!
  4. David Blunkett is better at controlling a lead than Liverpool!!
  5. On a non car but semi related subject......what is a bar mitzvah? (I know it's a Jewish thing)
  6. Before the haka got scary…….. poor white boys look like they're doing the hokey kokey!
  7. They are showing on FOX Sports just now.....I watched a climbing one the other night
  8. gorgeous day up in Sapporo, sunny, blue skies and big fluffy white clouds
  9. Weather report yesterday was saying that Hokkaido/Sapporo is likely for its first snowfall next week as an early cold front moves down…….if thats true, that would make those clever little yuki-mushi correct…..it'd be about 10 days since I first saw them that the snow appeared……if it does actually appear
  10. Yeah, but Teine hasn't…….so if you've bought a K-winter pass through Teine, you'll get the old laminated style season card, then when you go to Rusutsu for the first time, they'll give you a day IC pass and take your laminated pass. When you return your day IC card at the end of the day, they will return your old style pass and give you a new season long IC card that you can use when you go to Rusutsu.
  11. I'm writing the email (via the Daily Mail) as we speak
  12. I've had all sorts.....a few times it's been pretty deep, where its went from almost nothing and little base to tits deep in the space of a night or two. That actually wasn't very good cos you were going right through the snow pack Mainly it's been good coverage on piste and sketchy off the sides.
  13. They were the same price as the Nama beer at the spring festival in odori
  14. The dragondola that connects naeba and kagura (well Tashiro) takes quite a long time, opens late and as Maru-634 said......just wastes time IMO. Stick to one resort per day for sure, there are local buses ploughing the route between kagura and naeba so you won't get stranded down at Kags if you ride there all day. There are also free shuttle buses between the 2 but they don't run as late
  15. Which "Yuzawa" website were you watching? Echigo Yuzawa is the town, when we say "Yuzawa" we usually mean the town. There are a few resorts around town that also bear the Yuzawa name......GALA Yuzawa is probably the biggest/most well known of these town resorts. Kagura is about 20-25 mins by shuttle bus outside of town, but is the biggest/highest in the area so will prob be ur best bet for skiing at that time.....depending on weather of course
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