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stripper on coke

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Everything posted by stripper on coke

  1. How can a gang pack of police thugs justify beating anyone up. Surely police are not stupid enough to forget that black guy by the name of Mr King, and what happened when they beat him up........ Human nature is to not wanting to be locked up, regardless of the crime committeed, human nature says we do not want to be caught, and will do almost anything to avoid being captured. Herce, most people try to run from the police. Not sure if it is Spain or Mexico (I think Mexico). However, if a prisioner tries to escape and is recaptured, he recieves no additional penalty for trying to esca
  2. montoya and nofakie - THANK YOU Got the site, and I think it's gonna work for me YIPPY !!!! Currently listening to some interview with an english rugby union player talking about the upcoming game against the wallabies - payback time for the world cup.....There is NO WAY england can beat the Aussies again..... Before that though, I look forward to a good call by whoever is doing the bbc5 stuff in the morning, and hope to hear england hand out a lesson to Figo and co..... here we go, here we go, here we go.......
  3. to be honest, police probably spent more time harrassing legit folks then they spend chasing real criminals. In how many other countries of the world is a foriegner stopped while riding a bicycle by one of the infinate number of police officers standing idly by almost every corner on the street (besides Indo...), just because they are a foriegner riding a bicycle.......
  4. nice one, i saw the radio thing on the euro website. I couldn't get it to work though. I have a mac, running os9, so I am pretty sure that's why I couldn't get it...... I'll give the bbc radios a shot. Cheers.
  5. Do they show all of the tennis on the local tv here. Maybe they just show the finals or something...........I saw it the other night when the Japanese girl was playing, but haven't seen it since........what is up with Japanese tv ??? Can't wait for the olympics and all that coverage of events with only Japanse atheletes........ Why is there a building and 180 degees separating me from skytv ????????
  6. D'oh, ...............I fancy you might be right, but I hope you are not........thanks anyway. If anyone know's something different, I'd love to hear it.....
  7. well, there is the head shop in Roppongi, just up from Paddy Foley's/Macdonald's on the main drag. There used to be 2 bong shops in Nishi-Azabu, not sure if they are still there, I think they are. Friends have been stopped after coming out of all 3 of these shops. There is also a head shop in Shibuya, backside, near Tokyu Hands. And a friend was pulled over in his car after buying rollng papers from a cigarette machine on Meiji Dori, not too far from the station. The police searched his car for about 30 mins on the side of the road. I think there are a couple of similar sho
  8. just saw the shooter being chased around some neighbourhood by the police and the media. Ha ha ha, very funny watching this little fat policeman trying to climb over a fence about 1 metre high - he couldn't do it....... By the looks of things on tv, the police had him trapped in a front yard of a house, but they wouldn't go get him. Maybe non of them could get over the fence...... Oooopps, made a mistake there.....just saw the eigo news (hardly a 'news' program, but we'll that alone......), the dude the police were chasing were some pick pocket gang or something, I think they
  9. HELP HELP HELP !!!! Wondering if anyone can help me please....I live in Niigata, near Yuzawa, without skytv, wowow, or anything else, just about 10 local channels. I was able to watch the england v japan game a few weeks ago, but I have pretty much been in Tokyo since. I have now come back to Niigata, and, to my horror, I haven't been able to find diddly squatt about the football on the tv here. QUESTION: Does anybody else live in Niigata, and if so, are you watching the euro on local television, AND, if so, what is the channel you are watching it on. Are the games delayed, o
  10. favourite sports include snowboarding, beer drinking and horizontal folk dancing (I class them all as sports, because if you practice, you'll become much better....... As for watching, I like championship football, sometimes sumo, sometimes motor racing (bikes, cars, and sometimes trucks for a laugh...). Half pipe skateboarding is sometimes cool too. But lets be honest, without sky perfect, the choices when watching sports on tv pretty much comes down to baseball, baseball, or, if you are lucky, baseball..........yuuuuuuck!!!!
  11. I like full cream milk (from cows) in my coffee. Forget about this creep stuff for me, if there is no milk I'll take my coffe black. Personally, I think the majority of humans drink milk all their life because it tastes good. It also goes very well with tea, coffee, cereal, and makes scrambled eggs a little creamier.. ... BTW, I am not overly fond of the milk in Japan. I think milk in some other countries tastes better, but still, I have found nice milk here sometimes too.... P.S. Toque, how about a poll to see who votes on these polls.......
  12. as paranoid as it sounds, going into those shops has cost some friends of mine dearly ! What can I say.......I guess I can't prove to you my friends had to go to prison, but, do you really think I would make it up ??? Anyway, for what it's worth, there is NO WAY in heaven, hell or on earth you will get me into one of those shops......I know, plenty of people DO shop there without any trouble, just not me, that's all I'm trying to say........ Perhaps the situation has improved more recently. The friends I'm talking about had this happen to them over a period of a couple of years, a f
  13. if they just shut up and 'left with dignity', that wouldn't be very 'Azzurri' of them would it ?
  14. a word of warning telleboy, too many of my friends have been followed home or searched on the street after coming out of either that shop in Roppongi, or some of the other pipe/hemp/head shops around town. Sometimes they were only buying papers/skins. Sometimes the police come a knockin' a few days later......personally, I try not to even look in the window of those shops. But yeah, you're right, mushrooms are illegal now, although it is not illegal to buy the mushroom pours or seeds or whatever you call them. I don't know what happens if you then grow them at home.... Apparently you
  15. I like 10 hrs of sleep, wake'n'bake, then another couple of hours of 'lay down' is nice.....Kind of ease into the day.
  16. I don't mind having the station dudes around. It is really funny if I have some overseas guests with me, I make a point of going to the gas stand. My guests can never believe all the shouting, let alone people wanting to wipe your windows, empty your ashtray, check your engine, check the tyres or change the oil. By far the best part is when the station dude RUNS to cash register and back again with the change. I have never been asked for a tip (that I know of), but if that started happening I wouldn't be too impressed either. As for self service, there is a couple kind of near me (Ni
  17. yeah, kind of....I doubt we'll ever see the day where we can walk into a 'drug store' and walk out with a kilo (or a gram) of coke or smack.... I am talking along the lines of what Toque mentioned. It would clean up the whole drug environment i.e, safer and cleaner doses of drugs (less overdoses - saves govts money in the long run, and keeps voters alive - we are always being told how important the voter is, right ?). Why not give out clean needles to people who shoot up ? I know in some places, (not sure about Japan?), this is the caes. This saves the spreading of disease through shari
  18. Beckham being refered to as Forest Gump really cracked me up...ha ha ha, that's funny.
  19. Awww, come on people, you can't be serious. You have been to Roppongi (and don't think it is just in Roppongi), and can't find any coke ??????......I guess it is like the old saying, 'It must be right under your nose.......' But seriously, people have been passing away in Roppongi for as long as Roppongi has been there. I have lost a few good friends this way myself. However, this same thing (ie people dying in clubs) happens all over the world. It has happened in London, it has happened in the States, it has happened in Australia too. Oh yeah, the same thing happens in Thailand and B
  20. Check out just about any bar in Roppongi....you'll find it for sure, just ask for absynthe - most bar (decent) people will know what you are after..... Good luck, and try to stay off any boats......
  21. Farquah, I'm hoping you let that one blow by.......
  22. BTW, what about that new Nike advert. How cool is that one - I think it's funny anyway Have you guys seen it before ??? I think I still like the one best with Eric Cantona (???) kicking the ball through some devil goalkeeper's belly. But for sure this new one is quite original.......
  23. I made it through and saw the game live - didn't even have to 'party' too hard to make it to 4:00am. But, I'm with you guys. Beckham's tatoo looks silly. Now the guy can surely kick a football, but it seems the more I see and hear of him and his actions the more I think he is just a spoiled, rich, tw_t.......the tatoo only confirms my feelings. (I am guessing the tatoo is new), perhaps it will take the focus away from the actual England performance last night........ Still, bring on the Euro.......
  24. I made it through and saw the game live - didn't even have to 'party' too hard to make it to 4:00am. But, I'm with you guys. Beckham's tatoo looks silly. Now the guy can surely kick a football, but it seems the more I see and hear of him and his actions the more I think he is just a spoiled, rich, **** .......the tatoo only confirms my feelings. (I am guessing the tatoo is new), perhaps it will take the focus away from the actual England performance last night........ Still, bring on the Euor.......
  25. db, you're right mateee, that beats driving to the hospital with a shark still attached any day.....
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