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stripper on coke

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Everything posted by stripper on coke

  1. actually, as long as you have a valid passport and a valid visa, there is no problem. Get the new passport and travel on it, put keep the old one with you and show the valid visa (plus the new passport) when you enter and leave the country. This way saves money on re-entry permits. I travels like this for a while. Alternatively, you can get a new stamp in the new passport....although, if you are in doubt, check with your embassy.
  2. Kintaro, if you get the chance, have a look at 'Roger and Me' (or is it 'I' ??). I haven't seen it all, but seen lots of bits and pieces, and friends have said a lot of good things about it......from what I can gather, it's quite a bit different from F9/11, and more tactful then Bowling for Colombine. Have you guys heard much about the latest Disney flop - America's Heart and Soul ???
  3. xxx - you and me, peas in the same pod...... chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, 'cause it tastes good !!
  4. hay grungy, do you know many drummers ? Apparently they are not the smartest bunch of band members - have you heard any of the drummer jokes ??? From my experience, it seems it is the responsibility of the other band members to continually put drummers in their place ie. sitting, hiding behind the rest of the band where noone can see them.....ha ha ha Still, we all need those beats, right ? Good luck, and may the kick be with you....
  5. I'd be 'mix master stripper', mixing it up and keepin' it phat and phunki
  6. I this doesn't happen to any of our English contributors/drinkers....... Still, I had to laugh at his stupidity Drinking and shotguns in your pants don't mix Man jailed for illegal firearm possession after shooting self in groin The Associated Press Updated: 5:00 p.m. ET July 13, 2004 SHEFFIELD, England - A man who shot himself in the groin after drinking 15 pints of beer and stuffing a sawed-off shotgun down his trousers was jailed for five years Tuesday for illegal possession of a firearm. David Walker, 28, underwent emergency surgery after the March 6
  7. Thanks sakitumi, it sounds like something I might also enjoy. Those crazy Simpson's creators......
  8. I'd have a guess and say it is a balmy 22 or so in the mountains today - even rained again for a bit.....still, nice weather for a beer
  9. what's Futurama all about ?? Sorry, Sky is no longer possible from my place now, and it really sucks not having the Simpsons. But I've never heard of that one.....
  10. I want to be best friends with db....... I'm thinking of heading back to Oz in a few months, and I'm going to need a few nights/daze like he just described....... Until then though, I'll be content with my best friend in Oz, who was my best man, and who is also my partner in a label/music/management business. We go on the road together touring, and do the kinds of thing you can only get away with with a best friend.....
  11. sweaty pants, you got my pity....man, 65 deserves a beer, not overtime........
  12. GW talks like a lamen 'cause he is a lamen......BTW, is a lamen really a lay-man ??? Seriously though, keep us updated on your 960 pager, I'm sure ol' Billy Boy's got quite a few stories to share. Is there any mention in the book of Howard Marks (Mr Nice)? Apparently they had some sort of connection or something at Oxford (I think)....
  13. George W Bush is a deserter (deserter sounds like someone who serves cheesecake or something), and I don't imagine he's going to be tried any time soon....... Let Jenkins go.....
  14. hang in there badmigraine..... my old house of employment had a mixed up national holiday system, and I had to work on most Japanese national holidays as well (although never on xmas day)......
  15. my wife (of 3 yrs) and I were with each other for 5 yrs before we got properly hitched (in an Indo style ceromony far, far away from a church) overlooking Uluwatu. Had about 20 family and friends from all over the world. One of the nicest days of my life. P.S. haven't put on any weight since then either.......
  16. have you guys heard of the 'rolling baba' ? He's a sadu, (I think that's what you call it - no idea of spelling), a holy man from India. They don't cut their hair either. Anyway, this rolling baba guy was literally rolling across India - literally !! He would lay on the road and roll. If he came to a particularly deep puddle or pot hole, his crew would lay down a peice of plastic for him to roll on, otherwise it was just mother nature (or tarmac) that he rolled on - his hair wasn't as long as Tran Van Hay san's, but it was sure in a hell of a lot worse condition
  17. wheeeewwww, and I thought I was the only one here to know about drug stories......thanks guys I certainly agree with Davo about the dangers of Shabu It's the worst drug I've ever seen as far as being unhealthy in both the body and mind (and teeth). And let's not even go into getting off the shiit.... Have a look at the nearest Tokyo taxi driver if you want to spot a speed (shabu) head. I've even had a taxi driver telling me he hasn't slept for 3 days as we raced around the early morning streets of Toks (guess why ???). I promtly told him to stop the car, and I got in the next taxi.
  18. bobby12, I'm sure I read in one of the articles about this issue, that the judge can over-rule a pre-nuptial agreement. maybe it's just in high-profile cases when that happens or something. while I can see and understand the wifies side of things, surely being entitled to half of all his future earnings is pushing it a bit.......
  19. We'll see how we get on then.....2 years ago I just walked straight through the front entrance 2 days in a row. I lifted my wrist to show the guy on the gate, and he let me pass. At the time I was wearing a few bead braclet (???) type things on my wrist - might have to hunt a few of them down again. Wish me luck...........
  20. ...ha ha...yeah, constantly pushing the bounds of reality - just to see what will happen..... .....can not stop the party, desho !!
  21. anyone seen or tried this out......getting drunk 10 times faster - does that mean the night is over 10 earlier..... I guess NSW will never know..... Does it work though ??? No hangover ??? http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/07/14/1089694394888.html
  22. 300 Pounds a gram........come on, coke has NEVER been that price in Roppongi, at least not where I've been. Surprising there is not more being said about crystal meth here. I mean, it has been a massive problem for the Japanese community since WW2 - anyway...... I know an interesting story from a few years ago. It seems the Columbians (at the time) where bringing coke into Japan through a highly placed person in the Tokyo Metro Govt building. This person would swap the Columbians coke for speed. The Columbians would then distribute the speed, while the coke was distributed by a Japan
  23. Db, you know about rolling 'em in flour to find the wet spots, right........
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