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About slaphead

  • Rank
    SJ'er with 10+ posts
  1. Going to spend 6 days in Zao and Yamagata when I am in Japan in February
  2. And my notebook has a ATI Mobility Radeon 960 Pro Turbo with 128MB. I have lots of CPU power as well, p4 1.4 centrino, 1GB Ram. Would that cope?
  3. Is being a father a good reason to pardon him? (Just curious about it all)
  4. I nearly did the same. I only remembered that today was a holiday late last night.
  5. Today was HOT. Again. Phew. The news just told me it was a manatsubi? Is there a specific conditions for manatsubi? (Above 30 degrees or something?)
  6. A fairly new friend of mine has some kind of pension or condo near that place, so I'll be going up there I reckon. Hope its good.
  7. 2 years together, getting married soon.
  8. Good review of Top Spin.. Top game The most perfect and well polished representation of the game of tennis ever made for any platform. A must-own for anyone with a vague interest in the sport! Tennis gamers the world over have been waiting patiently for a game that can match the quality and smoothness of gameplay that Virtua Tennis brought to the Dreamcast over three years ago. Now that Top Spin has landed on shelves everywhere, prepare the Virtua Tennis bonfires, because the new king has arrived. Never before has a tennis game played so smoothly and flawlessly, and that痴 includ
  9. We've got a Porno DVD vending machine booth near where I live. Its on a main road, but it's in it's own hut so people can't see you in it. Seems a strange place to put it, never seen anyone go in there. I went in as research a while back after a night out.
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