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Everything posted by Thunderpants

  1. that one would last 6 hours, i think
  2. farquah, i know a little about those back payments. My wife and i were in the same situation 3 years ago. No insurance, went to town hall, and got the message that we had to back pay, but there is a small loophole. you "only" have to back pay from when you registered at your current town, so if you move address for 3 months, and then move back to your old address, you don't have have to back pay! Worked for us, we had a nice 3 month holiday on Maui, while having address with father in law in Tokunoshima. when we got back, we registrered in Osuka (home) and no problems since. oh th
  3. Quote: Originally posted by gamera: Does this happen anywhere in the world? Happens everywhere! Quote: Originally posted by gamera: Sometimes I get upset and disconnect the line which is not nice Never mind it is not nice! it is the only way to save your time. I don't mean to offend you, but you are being too "japanese" which in this case mean to polite. f**k them, they are the ones that are being "not nice" You don't need to give them a reason for not doing business with them. ATB tp
  4. just tell them you are busy-and hang up right away! seriously! ..or that you are vietnamese with adopted japanese name. ATB TP
  5. Quote: Originally posted by gamera: Also, does anyone have any cool way to refuse 'Nihon telecom' cold calls which says something like "We are introducing some new packages which enable you to make your phone bill cheaper"? NIHONGO WAKARANAI works for me! Don't wait for them to finish their salestalk, cut them off, they are taking your time. Other people probably pay you for your time. you DON'T need to hear them out. The sales people can handle it, they are pros. anyway thet is how i used to deal with them in my former job. ATB TP
  6. The New Yorker http://www.newyorker.com/
  7. so silly to have one family on welfare. I will never understand the idea behind a royal family
  8. farquah, i'm sorry to hear about your leg. guess we are in the same boat now How about insurance from your local townhall?
  9. Hi 34 guest(s) That was an angry article! I liked parts of it, but i think it is bad to start picking on Condi's hair, the look of Laura Bush and so on. It has nothing to do with what W and his cabinet stands for. I think Mike Carlton is aiming for the same level as O'Reilly, who calls Moore names and comment on his weight. This is not the way to do it. ATB TP
  10. "Watching the inaugural ceremonies reminded me of the scenes near the end of "The Godfather" in which a solemn occasion (a baptism in the movie) is interspersed with a series of spectacularly violent murders." these words are not mine (wish they were) read the whole article here .You have to login, registration is free, and you don't get spammed for giving your email adr. NYT's editorials are a must read for me. ATB TP
  11. Sick bastard! Denmark had a case with a 60something year old high court judge who was distributing child porn. He got arrested after a tip from british police. he got 5 months in prison, 2 of which was suspended. so all in all 3 months in jail for a terrible crime. last week someone got 2 1/2 years for selling 85 kg of hash. draw your own conclusions. ATB TP
  12. HEHE sorry funny caracters from an "extended ascii set" sorry about that
  13. Ahh thanks paste from britannica: Main Entry: oc·to·ge·nar·i·an Pronunciation: "äk-t&-j&-'ner-E-&n Function: noun Etymology: Latin octogenarius containing eighty, from octogeni eighty each, from octoginta eighty, from octo eight + -ginta (akin to viginti twenty) -- more at VIGESIMAL Date: 1815 : a person whose age is in the eighties - octogenarian adjective
  14. Captain Stag, you are a smart man and Bertie, you are getting your free ticket to the slammer http://www.themauritius.com/article3654.html later read that they got 1 1/2 years suspended sentence
  15. kazaa lite has gone commercial, and it now costs money to download the kazaa lite client.
  16. Kazaa lite is a thing of the past saw the police are starting to trrow people in jail for filesharing in this country... guess who quit P2P???
  17. octagenerian, what does that mean??? even http://www.britannica.com/ could not answer that one? In my neighbour town they have Garbage Police to go through peoples garbage and check for glass and other items ?!? strange country i've landed in ATB TP
  18. garbage-mentality in this country is a mystery. It seem to be, "WE do everything right (unless nobody is watching)" Grandpa dumping plastic bags in the "river" just outside my appartment. Hamamatsu city is totally clean. My beach is a dump. But hey, it is only nature.
  19. this kind of software: http://www.webextractor.com/index.htm hunts around the net at night to collect e mail addresses hence the nickname "Wolf"
  20. do visits by search engines and mail address wolfs count ad visitors?
  21. http://www.fujiten.net/pc/ they have an excelent area for kids ..but no car, and bus is a no go, then how do you plan to go there?!?!? flying carpet?
  22. i'm lefthanded, but still ride regular. Kick the football with my left foot (whenever it is not broken )
  23. ..allmost forgot, western windows versions before XP could not handle kanji filenames, never found out how japanese DOS worked. When i made bookmarks with kanjis in win98, backup and copy was a real problem. Works smooth with XP though
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