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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by pie-eater

  1. Better one here http://www.football365.com/opinion/f365_opinion/story_176006.shtml
  2. I have never seen one either. Not that many 1 person lifts either.
  3. But what happened to Wigan? Giving everyone else a shot at Champions League places is the strategy - you know, make it more exciting, etc.
  4. There's a flag up there "Huyton Fatties" Is that you scouser? It's either you or one of the other 40 people in the stadium The fuss and importance they are putting on this is just ludicrous. People who know no better will take it all in as well....
  5. Thanks folks. Hmmmm, it seems to be ok today. That was strange, I'll keep this in mind for next time though.
  6. A constant supply of fine pies from Wigan. Alas, it won't happen.
  7. Well.... it didn't QUITE go the way I imagined. Hope its a good game for you tonight. I'm about to watch it on telly.
  8. How far is that place from Kyoto by car? I'm visiting a friend down there in February...
  9. Korea in the last world cup did much better than expected. It was home I suppose. But there is almost always some surprises in there.
  10. I'll watch it though. Yes Wigan are suddenly not in 2nd position. I'm confident we can give United another shock though tonight. Annoyed that this seems to be the only United game this season that is NOT on tv.
  11. This morning I turned my pc on and you know how there is the time in the bottom right part of the screen.... well, I can only see 9: when I should be seeing 9:47. I've tried to change the settings on the screen but that doesn't seem to do anything - seems Windows is cutting off that part off. Any ideas folks?
  12. I saw that on the way to Tobu World Square. It looked pretty crappy. I actually quite liked Tobu - I used to really like model villages when I was a kid, especially the one on Southport.
  13. Well..... all I want to say is.... COME ON WIGAN!!!!!! The match is just about to start.
  14. Quote: Wigan have two quick forwards and give nothing away Recipie for success! Riding some luck maybe, but I think all teams even Chelsea would have to say they do that at times. (See first game of season perhaps )
  15. Have you seen how fragile looking that bloke is? He could do with scoffing a few pies, he could.
  16. Quote: I was refused to stay I'd like to know more about that one.
  17. Japan just does not get bacon does it? Add that and sausages to the list headed up by pies and cheese. I've never had decent bacon or sausages here. Anyone ever?
  18. Another good weekend. Have you seen the goal difference though, even in the top 2: 1) Chelsea 22 2) Wigan 6 Is that really Wigan there at number 2?
  19. Anyone into online gaming at all? Interested to know what you're playing. I can see how it might be fun but the experiences I have had have not lived up to expectations.
  20. I have thrown up in a taxi - but not only over the back of the taxi but also over the girl I had just copped off with. We were on our way back to my place when I suddenly felt less than well. She was not too impressed.
  21. Quote: a pie warmer That brings back fond memories.
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