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Everything posted by METAL

  1. I want to like Eddie Murphy, somehow. Haven't seen much of his stuff of late though. Watched World War Z last night. Just ok.
  2. There must have been tons of drugs going on back then!
  3. Wonder if this kind of place will survive. Are they popular with young'uns these days? Don't suppose there's a lack of older people at the moment though.
  4. I've had a good few nights in snack bars. Naff food they put in front of you aside, yeah it has been fun. Looking back, the best ones where when I was a guest and didn't pay!
  5. Wish they would play more. Young Bonham on drums was great. JPJ with his keyboards + bass combo was great. Very talented methinks. Yes, I enjoyed that.
  6. A school that I work at sometimes always gets a goat each spring to autumn. Getting a goat seems to be a Japanese school tradition. But it's always 1 goat. Must be lonely. Yanked from it's mum at an early age and not being able to talk goat to anyone. I want to try and convince them to get 2 goats, to make them happier. What you reckon?
  7. Rumours of an impending AC/DC split. Got a few of those CDs out and cranked up the volume.
  8. I always thought she was a bit somehow boy-y. Until I saw that bikini pic.
  9. When I have been there the South area has been quiet. I reckon lots of people are scared off and/or some don't even know about it as it's not the clearest place to get to. A quad was probably above what they needed.
  10. Got murder at 1600 recorded to watch blade was shite though
  11. No point in people who didn't upload photos.reviews entering this year?
  12. Naeba Prince Hotel. I was thinking it might be really posh. Oh how I was wrong. Like gg said, it's like it was caught up in some time warp. And it's just so massive and sprawling. They don't charge low prices either. Highly unrecommended.
  13. I am planning a 6 nights in Hakuba area. Other than that, all up in the air. I want to check Zao out, but I seem to say that every year and don't end up going.
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