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Everything posted by sweetaz

  1. Very very funny!!! You've gotta see it. Yes, some (well...alot) of it is gross, but its too funny to pass up. Wee-man is such a little dude...dunno how he pulls some of those tricks with his wee legs...
  2. Quote: Originally posted by nori-chan: If my parents are Catholic, is it surely case I will grow up to be Catholic? And if my parent not Catholic, I become not Catholic? Traditionally children take on thier mother's religon and their father's political beliefs. So traditional families tend to impose their beliefs on their children. Others raise their children with a religon but then allow their children to make up their own minds when they are older.
  3. In my experience those pretentious rip-off places never stick around for long tho...
  4. Quote: Originally posted by powwwers: words from the wise... couldn`t agree more with tha `mit` exercising in the morn. will also aid in sleepin like a log at night. rememba, the hours before midnight are worth two after ... dunno if i could lift weights in the morn. some form of cardio exercise is deff. tha gee ohh. and try to eat ONLY fruit in the a.m. Sleep b4 midnight is worth 2x as much? Why's that? During my morning workouts I have mostly been lifting weights....man it has been hard. I find I get really 'puffed'- way more than later in the day. Good going O11.
  5. Oblivion....WHAT THE HELL HAS HAPPENED??!! You gonna leave us 'hangin'?
  6. good luck mon ami.....lemme know how ya go.. I prefer running at night too....cooler and peaceful. Actually...I should add...that the fitter i am the more i prefer running when it is hot out(afternoon). Dunno why...??!!
  7. For several years i have been exercising at night....but recently have heard that there is alot to be gained by exercising before brekkie.(well, i had heard of it before but chose to ignore it). So over the last month i have been hitting the gym in the early am...and have discovered it is SO MUCH harder!! Is it me? Anybody have any stories for me on when you exercise and how you've gotten on??
  8. that is one weird lookin rowing machine! solid looking tho!! I can't stand the things....I think they are more of a guy's thing....working the upper body etc.... Do u use it much O11? I have to admit....i can never get motivated to do anything other than press-ups and sit-ups at home. Just cant get in the right mind-set.
  9. Yeah i have to agree with Markie....I find eating out becomes almost a chore over time. When i was travelling alot for business I tended to "dine" way too frequently. Eventually all you want is something really simple - something your mom would cook. Not only that...but going out should hold some feeling of decadence...shouldn't it?
  10. Hey guys! Incubus is playing in Japan! Here's the info.... 03-Mar Tokyo, Japan - Budokan 05-Mar Osaka, Japan - Zepp 06-Mar Fukuoka, Japan - Zepp 08-Mar Nagoya, Japan - Diamond Hall
  11. Get over it you non-believers!!! 11 Oscars speak VERY LOUDLY for themselves! three cheers for peter jackson!
  12. Sorry...i have to disagree. I'd rather go out with a chubby guy with a fantastic smile(white teeth) than a thin guy with a set of teeth you could catch gingivitis off!
  13. Plucky, was there a particular event(or series of) that has prompted you to make this decision? All hail Plucky!! He's broken away from the hive!
  14. Quote: Originally posted by enderzero: I heard them play the entire brand new Incubus CD at Naeba on Sat. Pretty cool...but what they followed it with was far from good. Whoo hoo go incubus....couldn't think of anything better to board/ski to! ps i'm seeing them in concert on the 28th March! nana na na nana!
  15. I love having a "goggle tan". I look in the mirror and it is like this friendly little reminder that I've had a freekin fantastic time at the snow.
  16. good call! People should pay for what they use...2 seats if need be. Afterall you get charged for extra baggage when you're over your luggage allowance.
  17. go be a good boy....a very very good boy - just make sure she's the one to break it off....and you act suitably heartbroken...after all a woman scorned...
  18. Quote: Originally posted by enderzero: There are plenty of cowboys left in the US. They probably aren't too busy driving cattle across the plains for months at a time though. Anyone actually interested in Cowboys should read Lonesome Dove . Really a great novel about cowboys and long gone days. Yeah I'm pretty sure Lonesome Dove was made into a mini-series for tv too. Filmed outside of Calgary -Alberta -Canada. Pretty good... Cowboys are easy to spot....cowboy hat & boots, wrangler jeans and long sleeve shirts nobody else would wear, chewing tobacco in back pocket of jeans...
  19. Moving is such an effort. I'm in the same process myself. Where's home Danz?
  20. Quote: Originally posted by kamo: http://www.nzflag.com/default.cfm great and thought evoking site. I thoroughly agree that the old one has got to go, just look at Canada for inspiration! they traded in their crappy colonial flag and now possess the worlds best flag, that instantly gives them identity (and looks cool on swimming caps at the olympics ) You rock eh! The NZ flag does suck. For a country who tries so hard to maintain it's culture and individualism it's a shocker....Worse..their flag looks like the Aussie one! I can never tell them apart.
  21. OOCH! All those senarios sound terrible! They actually ban you from certain restaurants??!! You guys are really putting me off japan!
  22. Quote: Originally posted by Snowhaus: She loves her son, but always says that if she knew what she was letting herself in for (no emotional or physical support, paltry support payment that constantly had to be chased, few and far between relationships because men blanched as soon as they realised she had a kid, and very little opportunity to expand her own horizons educationally or socially because she was the only one paying the bills) she would have made a different choice. I am in a very similar(prob worse as i am on completely the opposite side of the world from my family) situation to
  23. oops..sorry badmigraine! didn't realise... Thought it was a pretty bizarre name...and obscure hill - fig'd you fellas wouldn't have heard of it! ...apart from da cheeseman that is.
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