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Everything posted by sweetaz

  1. Quote: Originally posted by neversummer: Getting a dog next year when we move to London. Any recommendations on what type of small dog to buy? No Sausage dogs, tiny furless things, or terriers Here's a link that offers a quiz (under "Select-a-dog section) that will match your personality and lifestyle to the breed suited to you. It's only 17 questions. Hope it helps!! http://www.waltham.com/index.html?content=dogs
  2. Thanks for your comments guys. Yeah discipline is something of a challenge for me. But i kind of think i am ready for some additional structure to my life looking 2 & 5yrs down the track. I've been working a start up company for the last 9 months, and the time has passed SO DAMN FAST!!! It makes me think...geez, in a year's time i could have a few papers under my belt....and life is already painful so why not just struggle through.
  3. i am in the process of looking to do some papers toward a BCA Have any of you done a degree while working full time? If so, how'd you do it...and would you recommend it?
  4. i like ties. i think a tie can say alot about the person. Which is funny cause some men can pull off some really 'out there' ties, while others would look like they cut up their mother's curtain fabric if they wore the same one. one thing is for sure tho...they are really fun to take off!!
  5. Doesn't the mexican guy off "That 70's Show" look like Ponch??!!
  6. Dogs rule...cause most cats have like NO personality. Just laze about like fluffy lumps and beg for attention when they want to be fed. Siamese are a totally diff breed (my kitty). You can have a full-on intellectual conversation with one. Mine opens cupboards....plays hide and seek, cat'n mouse etc golden retrievers are gorgeous. wouldnt own one tho the breed is riddled with health problems. what's up with the new 'toy dog' accessories???!!
  7. I guess the real question is.... "When buying something..does it HAVE to be a brand?" I suspect that is what we are all voting on.....however: i would like to challenge those "don't give a fig'rolll" (whateva's) to answer this question.... when making a buying decision.....do you predominantly choose a brand that you know? (it doesn't have to be the top brand - for instance.....unbranded running shoe vs. New Balance)
  8. brands are all about trust....you know what you are going to get before buying....(well, you think you do!) To clarify: you buy brands because you trust they are going to be good quality, cool, tastier,....whatever the company has marketed the brand as. hmmmm...wonder what that says for peeps who name their kids after a brand...Chevy - big'n ugly but reliable?
  9. good one ender.... I'm a skier...and i keep askin myself this same question.....you kinda feel compelled to use them...but i hate them..... 9 times outta ten i ditch them at one of the lifts...
  10. hmmmm.... so, do you think she was abused as a child?
  11. i've been living in NZ for tooo long....can't believe i called it Cluedo..eep!
  12. hi ender...was wonderin where you got to! i think u may be right bout 'cluedo' being clue.
  13. I don't know bout the rest of you gals...but I figure that a pretty average guy ...can come across way more attractive if he smells nice. personally i like subtle dkny, kenzo, glow
  14. i knew a guy called Dick....Dick Chubb it was very hard to keep a straight face when i met him
  15. ok..so you collect a whole bunch of the same thing....then WHAT THE HELL DO YOU DO WITH IT?? I can understand art, cards, books...things of value...but what about just random stuff??? i know 'one man's trash is another man's treasure' but i just can't get my head around collecting stuff for the sake of it. (it'd all end up in dusty boxes)
  16. go the school uniform. I've always attended public schools with no uniform...and it always pissed me off that people were judged on their daddy's credit rating rather than their subsance. plus...they just look cute.... ethan hawk in a school uniform...ooohhh!
  17. if it were me...i'd find another gyno. I personally think it is inappropriate. However...maybe she is a girl that feels uncomfortable going to the doc, and it is perhaps easier to go to him cause she knows him. nothin to worry bout itsaclock....be the bigger man...
  18. i used to play backgammon as a kid...and loved it.... but for the life of me i can't remember how to play so....don't! Pictionary anyone?
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