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Everything posted by kintaro

  1. yep, very sure. Although I hated it at the time it's been usefull. All papers had to be typed. I just wish somebody had taught me how to spell
  2. 8 fingers when using English. I don't have to look..I don't think we were allowed to graduate from highschool without being able to type a certain number of words per minute with 80% accuracy.
  3. That's so cute! I wish my wife and I had one to admire and cherish.
  4. Waves, the smell after jumping off the plane in Honolulu (not of myself, the flowers that dominate the environment), harvesting something you've set out to grow. Very short list...most things make me smile. I'm happy go lucky.
  5. Also, these days I'm so used to what I call "Janglish" that I can barely turn it off. My wife and I speak a mix at home so much that when I visit English speaking nations I often throw in Japanese words here and there like "sugoi" and of course knowbody knows what the hell I'm talking about. Been here too long!
  6. Last Saturday I surfed from 10:30 to 9:30 but took a few minutes out to make a fire and grill up some bananas. Delicious! The darker the better..it get's like pudding, I spoon it out and eat it. Anybody else do this? Highly reccomended.
  7. I once got paid to bb shoot rats in a macademia nut field. I again only lasted about 6 days. I wasn't that good of a shot and just didn't feel good about it..
  8. I was in Honolulu last year attending a friends wedding. I had to go to a store to buy a white shirt. The cash register guy said to me "you live in Japan, don't you?" Surprised, I said "yes, how do you know?" He said my head bobs like a Japanese.
  9. I also worked with fruit. I worked for the Dole Pineapple company for a couple of summers. Bloody hands, boring work but that is were I learned most of my tagalog and Ilikano (sp?)Phillipine languages.
  10. Yah, what was that? Thank you SJ, complete loser there!
  11. Although I don't feel stressed,, my doc keeps telling me the reason I've gained weight is from stress. I can't figure it out.. what I'm stressed out about is a clue to me. He's quite sure it's adapting to a new lifestyle.
  12. Where the fk do you guys find these?
  13. I worked as a corn de-tasseler for 6 days before quiting. It's the job that I've had that humors me most.
  14. Surfer but mostly just a wave freek. A place like Sandy's Beach has a strong shore break so I'll bring a body board if I go b/c surfing just isn't that fun at a place like that. And in the case of Waimea in the winter, I can body board it but sure the hell can't paddle or be towed out to surf it. I ride a short board and it always annoys me when longboarders make comments against us or actually try to run into us out on a wave.
  15. I used to timidly bring my body board there and stand on shore with a tremendous amount of fear just listening to what the ocean was saying. Bringing my surf board never once crossed my mind. Perhaps twice I paddled out and that is where I earned my battle scars. My back, belly and feet are pretty scarred up. It's a spooky place to me in the winter. In the summer it's gentle, a nice place to have a lunch with your family. I still have dreams where I wake up gasping for air after being bowled at Waimea.
  16. As anyone who has been to Waimea knows, it's just barely a bay. A sliver on the North Shore that I guess technically amounts to a bay. The left side is pretty open with a small rock formation that children jump off of and a river and a land mass on the right perhaps qualifies it as a bay. In any event, the NS surf reports come as one. If it's 6-8 it is generally so across the coasline on the news/radio. Makapu'u, Sandy Beach, Diamond Head, South(Waikiki, etc.) , and Ewa (west) all get their own reports. Highjacking of thread statement (sorry); there is nothing I've ever heard that c
  17. I've put on. Simply b/c of a less active lifestyle. It's not that the food blows me away. I don't dive or surf or play basketball like I used to. I recently quit driving though and decided to take on walking from A to B or walking to public transportation. The weight is getting back to normal.
  18. CB, Makaha! Ho you one local cuz! What, you pick up some poke on the side of the road on da way? Nah brah, my 'surf reports' also now come from SJ snow depth reports. Yah, Indo, the North Shore is a small place. You can run into Kelly Slater on many winter days playing basketball at the Haleiwa alii Beach Park or Tom currren eating a burger at Kua'aina's on the same day. It is a very small community.
  19. Oh how I long for the surf reports in the summer that it's 4-6 at Ala Moana or the winter reports that it's 12-14 at Waimea and Sunset. Wet suit..who needs a wetsuit! But in my reality, it was a bit chilly here as well. Last night was the first in months that I had to wear a long sleaved shirt to bed. snowboard/ski season is creeping up on us!
  20. panhead-pete. the first Harley I got was when I was about 8 years old. It was the coolest mini-bike I've ever seen. my sister didn't understand that it had different gears and drove into the ground going around my parents house. And now, my wife will only allow me to own Harley (HOG) in the the form of stock. So that is what I have now. Definitely not as fun but doing quite well nonetheless. My guess is you'd pay a pretty penny for a Harley in Nippon. I'll be in Tokyo for the next few days, I'll try to have a check.
  21. Same thing..they start their CV with a volume altered announcement "PRIME SHOPPING!!" Followed by stupid products and annoying sounds. I believe CNN finances their CNNj by Shop Japan people. Bloomberg is much less annoying in my opinion. this is an edit..I'm not sure how this got on here twice. Sorry.
  22. Same thing..they start their CV with a volume altered announcement "PRIME SHOPPING!!" Followed by stupid products and annoying sounds. I believe CNN finances their CNNj by Shop Japan people. Bloomberg is a much less annoying news source in my opinion. You will have to deal with the "Malaysia Truly Asia" campaign but definitely less annoying.
  23. PRIME SHOPPING!! I hate these people. Some of you will know what I'm talking about.
  24. I don't think I've ever heard of a case where a foriegner that became naturalized was happy with their decision. I'm not sure on the rule of law but otaku guy above says you are obligated but not required to change your name (or something to that effect). To me that is just completely silly and racist. Sumo dudes are required to get new names, I think. Why? Ichiro didn't have to become Mr. Smith, Nakata didn't change into Mr. Juliani..but Chad Rowen became Akebono out of requirement if he wanted to be employed. what's whith the name change thing? When I married my wife her father said i
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