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Peter North

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Peter North

  1. Because it shows that the person/company is unprofessional. If they can't be bothered checking spelling on their marketplace, it says a lot. A company not understanding this also shows a similar outlook. Simple really.
  2. Some interesting points in here I thought "This is the hottest snow destination in the world for Australians. One agent says he will book more people into Niseko this season than the whole of Canada. Its main attraction is its powder snow, easily skied by intermediates on slopes that are not too steep. Niseko is relatively easy to get to (10-hour flight to Sapporo, then a two-hour road trip) and is in Australia's time zone. Prices are affordable ....... Drawbacks include constant snowfalls in January and February (the powder has to come from somewhere). There's also a boys' culture, with
  3. 県や八幡平市が出資する第3セクター株式会社八幡平観光(八幡平市緑ガ丘、資本金2億9790万円、社長・三船博敏県北自動車社長)は、同社が経営する八幡平スキー場の事業から撤退を検討していることが18日、分かった。スキー客減少が大きな要因で、同社のもう一つの柱となる八幡平ロッヂ(旧八幡平観光ホテル)の経営は撤退の方向だ。市は観光面への影響を考慮し、スキー場経営を引き継ぐ企業を探していたが、18日に開かれた市議会全員協議会で、田村正彦市長は断念したことを明らかにした。  八幡平観光は八幡平スキー場、併設する観光ホテルの八幡平ロッヂ、東北自動車道上り線岩手山サービスエリア(SA)の売店・食堂事業を展開。スキー場とホテルへの入り込み客の減少で、スキー場とホテル事業からの撤退を含めた事業再編を検討している。  市は同スキー場の存続のため、スキー場経営の実績がある県内外の企業と経営引き継ぎを交渉。県も含めて協議してきたが、リフトなど施設の老朽化が進んでおり、不調に終わったという。  八幡平観光の2007年3月期決算は売り上げ約6億2000万円、当期利益は約1900万円の赤字。同スキー場の売り上げは1993年度の約1億円をピークに06年度は約2500万円にまで減少した。八幡平ロッヂは今春から休業している。八幡平観光の工藤幹夫常務は「金融機関や県、八幡平市とともにスキー場存続を前提に事業再
  4. Why don't you actually write something that I can understand? What is the content of that link?
  5. Anyone recommend their favorite champagne. I've tried a few but never really liked it.
  6. Yes I love corks as well. I'll buy a corked wine over a screw top any day.
  7. I took another read of it did sound like a lot of fun. You not make a trip this season Rag-Doll?
  8. Sorry for the delay in getting back. Thanks for the posts. I'm not actually desperate to buy I was just curious because I had not really heard anything about this make. Are they popular in Japan or one of the smaller brands even there?
  9. Anyone on here have any gear by Ogasaka (?) and any thoughts on it? Someone I know has some that they are selling on for cheap and insisting it is top noth. I'm going to be researching elsewhere but thought I'd ask if there was anyone here with first hand thoughts. Thanks!
  10. When I was there Yamada were keen for the business and when I asked them about the price they got their calculator out and gave me a discount there and then. Worth asking!
  11. Thank you thursday. (And congratulations).
  12. Inland Empire. David Lynch is truly bonkers. But entertaining. And watch Mulholland Drive while you're at it.
  13. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu seems to be very handy and used in lots of situations. People seem to throw it around all the time over there (correct?) Perhaps it is more complicated than I imagine.
  14. Now that sounds good to me. (Without the sunburn) Preferable to a bare ski hill.
  15. I have an electric guitar, and have been playing for fun for 10 years or so now, but it's strictly for private audience.
  16. Chips. Or failing that, anything I can get my hands on that isn't fruit or veg.
  17. What exactly is that $2000 for (apart from the paper and the likes)? How do they justify it?
  18. Same as montoya, really pleased with it. Video is nothing special but the pics are good.
  19. 44 reviews not good enough? http://www.snowjapan.com/e/voice/readrereview3.php?resortName=Nozawa%20Onsen&prefecture=Nagano
  20. For those who have done it, how long do you say it would normally take from Nerima to Shinshu Nakano IC (for getting to Nozawa/Shiga Kogen)? About 3.5 hours? Thanks
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