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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by mikazooki

  1. incidentally, being a friend of junky is a very special role. u will be shat on thanklessly, and relentlessly. but if u can remain a friend u can save a person's life. (i refer not to my role but another good friend of mine who is one of the many unsung heroes in this world)
  2. i have a number of friends who have been heroin addicts, and a number of people, on top of that, who have tried it, and did so only once or twice. i have also come into contact with large numbers of addicts in other areas of my life. it is not instantly addictive, but social factors mean that it is easy to get sucked in, and difficult to get out. i sat on the edge of a group of heroin users for a short while. people can offer the appearance of being in control, when in fact they are very vulnerable - a push in the wrong direction can cause all control to be lost. the friend i (mistaken
  3. Quote: Originally posted by Kambei: [qb] Relax folks. It's not going to be a problem for decades. Let your children's children worry about it. Also, you can consol yourself with the thought that there have been natural and rapid variations in the world's tempeature in the past and maybe what we are seeing now is simply another example. Don't forget, the beaches will be much closer so it will be easier for your great grand children to go surfing. Its a glass half full kind of approach. i know thats said tongue in cheek, and it won't be our grankids that are the ones sufferin
  4. Quote: Originally posted by sweetaz: i recently heard a doco that claimed the hole over the ozone layer has ceased growing. They summed up by saying this was a good indication that the tide has turned and we may expect the world to start repairing itself. the success dealing with ozone depletion serves as an excellent example of how the world can work together. unfortunately, it does not represent the current mood in internatinal relations. the 80s to early 90s was a very strong time for the environmental movement, but it has lost some momentum over the last decade, as countries become
  5. Quote: Originally posted by asobou: What can we do? well there are a number of things you can do. become educated and use your power as a member of the community to bring about change. this can come thru joining local groups or perhaps most easily and efficiently by flexing your purchasing power to favour green products. buy local! think about your consuming ways, and how best u can modify your lifestyle to reduce them. the iclei site may have information on what your local council is doing. there may be information booklets or organised events. the activities related
  6. aw shucks, seeing those cars covered in snow makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. i aint seen as much snow as some of u fellas, goin up to the mountain on day trips an' all, but snow memories are good memories.
  7. sweet! that snow gobe is cool. the snowboarder dude has a hill hust outside his house! but the landing looks a little flat and icy.
  8. i spent a night in hospital after coming off my skateboard, rounding a turn at the bottom of a big hill. had a brain scan and was released the next day, but the hospital called me back to say they had found something unusual on the scan (unrelated to the clonk) and i needed another scan. this was a scary moment, but then after the second scan, they said - "ah, it was nothing. go along now." after that i too had a screamer of a headache for weeks and couldn't bounce up and down - ie run, skate or do anything strenuous involving brain bounce. much later, the first time i clunked my
  9. hey look lpl, the frog was here way back when! db - it was a stupid idea to go back thru old threads. only people who are truly bored to tears would stoop to such levels of time wasting.
  10. yeah, i asked the hat question last year, and got no responce... explain the hats
  11. checked my trusty map, and see that was quite a drive u did thar!! (excuse the odd pirate slip, just watched a moofie) can't relate to the chilling tale tho' as it is still in the high teens (celsius) here. do keep keepin us informed.
  12. thanks for explaining that db. y'know, i just punch the numbers in, and watch the thing run.
  13. in the most scientific way possible (and showing the utmost respect for nonsensical optimism), i have come up with a prediction of hirafu snow depths that i think will please most. although it looks very snowy, i would like to point out that most snow will fall during the night time, leaving the days clear for snorkelling. and seeing as future snow may not warrant further discussion, allow me to tantalize u with this - i'm gonna buy new boots (2002/3 salomon dialogues) and gloves this week. that will surely freak the snow into falling with no delay. i note the boot makers have
  14. ouch, my lungs hurt reading this. i agree with sbf gravity and buckets are different due to the different sucking power (i know a gravity as a sub). plus u can use the bucket to force the thick milky smoke into your lungs at a great rate, and reuse the smoke for a second go. there should be a warning on coke bottles about the dangers of this. buckets are by far the most potent way to smoke, but lack all senses of social grace. in all fairness, my lungs were hurting before i read this. today, my lungs hurt.
  15. that's a pretty reasonable summary. i'm kinda trying to make a decision between them myself. i spent a couple of months in melbourne and loved it. didn't like sydney so much when i last went there, but figure i may have grown into it. its a tough choice. what's canberra like?
  16. tofu burger, rice, mushrooms and carrots. with grapefruit and orange juice mixed.
  17. sorry guys its all my fault...i was all amped and keen to get out and rip it up, but the universe conspired to thwart my plans, as per usual. no biggie, it often happens. i don't cry anymore. just sorry i had to spoil it for the rest of u. still, i hope we can be friends when we do get out onto the slopes. mikazooki
  18. try this: wow, its different, i'll tell u tomorrow when i see it again. tomorrow: well, its better than yesterday. take it from me, i know how to charm the ladies
  19. people with wobbly bellies that dress like britney spears. its a wanton crime that intends to spoil the day of as many people as possible. inexcusable.
  20. sharon was my friends' code word for sex. the couple used to have cunning sex related convos at the dinner table with their parents, by talking about sharon. but i guess everyone does that.
  21. fair suggestions boys...it wouldn't be fair of us to comment otherwise
  22. sanosaka also have a rail park (good for a lark) and assorted jumps around the place that will keep u entertained.
  23. also known as ground tricks (using your snowboard like a butter knife?/ being smoothe like butter?/summin like that) i agree with the power dude.. practice start and end of every run, end of every day. i love just mucking around doing it, but rarley see others doing the same...until spring when everyone is in a larking mood.
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