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Everything posted by mikazooki

  1. well the places are finally opening up a little bit more area. so, who's on for this weekend? i'll be startin the season off in dyna.
  2. the snow was falling(?) horizontally on me on the top of ibuki yama on sunday. there were little snow sails forming on the windward side of everthing. it was fun for about 5minutes, but then my fingers hesitantly poked their tips out of my fingerless gloves and begged me to return down. i had taken my hat and sunscreen... nevertheless, it was a fun misprediction.
  3. me - well, my pain is neckular of origins, and trouble me right propoer it does. i'm trying to save a pretty penny for some accupuntural relief but i keeps spending m'money on snow related articles. so, i guess, the neck will just have to wait until another day. yoga also helps.
  4. a 4000yen bus trip to takasu on chrissy day will see me travellin up to a chilly mountain view. also on my my lonesome...but what other way is there to spend christmas?
  5. ok lads, u done the convincing. the chick in himaraya managed to understand my hand gestures and gave me money back. now i am the proud owner of - mittens. that sounds tough! mittens have less stitching so are more waterproof and last longer. the reduction in dexterity is not an issue coz u can just whip the mitt off.
  6. awright, found a plan... this big enough? its 10' with 1' of vert
  7. Quote: Originally posted by mogski: as our web pron site rakes in the cash i can't see that happening. there are only so many to pronounce web. and a site devoted to the pronunciation of one word would need to be jazzed up with naked pictures to make it of any interest.
  8. AND, in order to enjoy my long holidays, i will have to dump the progeny at uncle db's. who will teach them to surf and hunt goanna. pre thanks db
  9. gee whiz! no idea. my problem is i don't know if i want to work or not. i hated working in the past cos i was doing shit jobs, but the stuff i study now, i really like. but whether i want to devote my life to it is up in the air. if i end up wanting to work, i'd like to get a spot in a international NGO, or other big organisation if i don't i would like to do contract work so i can have regular long holidays. both are dreams. oh, and i guess i will end up polluting the world will a couple of offspring.
  10. funny u should mention that s m m, but i've been wishing for some time for a new-fangled tv, what u can smash to pieces, then watch it again the next day. u'know like those toy cars with spring-loaded bits that looked like they crashed after they hit something, but u could fix 'em to look like normal again afterwards...or those alarm clocks u turn off by throwing them across the room. i want a telly i can throw out the window, but then walk around to the car park, pick it up, and use it again. kinda a g-shock telly. but a springloaded smashed up look would be a bonus! it is,
  11. i agree with parody line, if thats any help... oh! its my mums birthday, better send an email.
  12. well, thats a nice story, but i was really expecting some compliments on my hammer. did u see the yellow bit?
  13. good job boys. remember: Tears are often the telescope by which men see far into heaven.
  14. i have a new target for my mental hammer practice. norika, in the toshiba telly/dvd ad. but i think i'm gonna need a bigger hammer. this hammer is US$100 from amazon! i like the yellow. it'll do nicely
  15. i guess it depends on how much u feel the cold. i have never worn more than 3 tshirts underneath my jacket. usu with a long sleeve wicking layer undermost when its cold, but regular tshirts over the top. but other occassions just a couple of tshirts. i have plenty of polyester which i use for trekking, but most of the time, its just not necessary to layer up all technical style to stay comfortable. i too have never worn a fllece, and have never been uncomfortable. if u head BC then its a necessity to do things right, but inbounds, in most conditions i've experienced, alm
  16. well those are sound points. are the supporters of mittens troubled by the reduction in dexterity? i have just bought gloves (burton gore glove - for over jacket)... but they are mighty bulky. make me feel a bit like mr blobby. is this a look which is going to pull the chicks? blobby blobby blobby.
  17. hey, thats actually quite cool. u can browse with that thing stuck in your ear, and complete goobledygook turns into confused jumble. this is definitely an improvement. i just tried it on a couple of sites and it increase their usefulness dramatically. i can read the gerende info all on my lonesome...awse!
  18. Quote: 'bob' does not rhyme with 'bog' even though they sound similar if u say both words very fast. always keep this in mind when rhyming, you don't want to sound like a complete dick. just a free sampler for your titillation.
  19. Quote: Originally posted by Snow Making Markie: I think it means you better stop missing those appointments with your shrink! oh, them? yeah, i think they were just making things worse. as you are japanly challenged, s m markie, u may wel benefit fromthe evidence i would use in any court hearing: promise ad consarnit - newfangled web setups - can't give a direct link, but press on the "CF" bizwod gidji maggannit, and then the ad on the left will set u right. i rest my case
  20. nuh, i was thinking of a rather big hammer. my dad had a mini sledge hammer, u know a one handed job. i want to use something like that.
  21. does wanting to hit someone in the face with a hammer count as "hate"? if so there are many personalities on japanese tv, that i hate. but usually its a spontaneous thing. for example, the girl on the new promise (プロミス) ads. in a regular situation, she would certainly represent visually appealing company. but when she says: pu ro mi su i wanna smash her face with a hammer, smash it hard, and hit it and hit it and hit it. then a moment later i'm fine again. is this "hate"?
  22. nice work danz! and all for the good of the forum. i can hear the first day screams now... "last one there is a penis pump!!"
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